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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i have friends in Leb. NJ. I text, she said they're alright............she thinks
  2. get the hail outta here hope we dry out a couple days
  3. just heard our school dist is letting out early because of the eclipse. WTF
  4. i was just talking to my daughter. I told her HS softball as well as baseball will be playing every day to get caught up. And, they are already short umpires. She'll be having a crazy schedule between softball and the Bears making another run
  5. i can't recall the last time it rained this hard, for this long. It has been flat out dumping in Harrisburg
  6. .67 yesterday and .58 so far today since midnight
  7. saturday was 2nd cut for me. My neighbors haven't mowed at all yet and its extremely noticeable between theirs and mine. It looks worse for them as she should have had 1 more cut in the fall, but hey, she's smarter then everyone else
  8. @Itstrainingtime is probably on his 5th mow. I'm hoping for numero 2 tomorrow
  9. They have been jockeying Hershey players around which has been helpful. And what is more amazing, the Bears keep winning.
  10. from some of my sources, Maryland is already working with penndot on all the documents they need since Pa just went through tis on I-95
  11. makes ya wonder how much insurance is carried by the boat owners
  12. I hate wind. ( Said in my best @candersonvoice)
  13. i will tell you about yesterdays wind. As i was walking out of the grocery store, a big gust blew a large shopping cart out of the cart staging receptacle and was rolling quickly across the parking lot.....................heading right at my truck. just as the words *@#$! *&^% !%^+#$ were coming out of my mouth, a good Samaritan sprinted and grabbed the cart.
  14. 58 at work, 59 across the mighty susqy at home
  15. I need to mow and would have mowed, but i have at least 1 truck, maybe 2 of limbs that have fallen off my birch tree. I have them piled up to take to our township yard waste facility this weekend and then i can get mow 1 in. i'm assuming Mike will be getting numero 2 in
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