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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i looked earlier, but it seemed minmal rain.
  2. I'd like this coming saturday to be this nice. its a beauty
  3. I'm on #6 ive been to urgent care 3 times in 2 weeks. I"m finally able to get in my family dr. tomorrow. The post nasal drip is killing me. wakes me up at night, its hard to breath. and i lose my voice at least 3-4 days a week.
  4. anyone else in the forum suffering with sinus isssues like i am?
  5. yeah, they're bad this year. not sure i'm even attempting to fight them
  6. if my calculations are correct, Mike is on mow #5 and tonight will be #4 for me
  7. i was looking around too. doesn't seem like we will get much. brief shower and thats it. PLAY BALL
  8. clouding up here now. I'm hoping softball game i was going to isn't canceled.
  9. is the rain going to hold off today until after dark?
  10. yep, we always eat prior to going in. i usually only drink 2 beers, unless my brother goes along
  11. it does get nutty there. I almost never get food for this exact reason. i go early, grab a beer.
  12. when they lost the puck? pretty bizarre really
  13. he doesn't care. He is in Texas, eating all that stuff Texans eat
  14. i think i just had .50 in the last 15 minutes
  15. somebody sent footage into TV station of the eclipse, they aired it before viewing. the blocking out of the sun was a guys sack
  16. it dumped this morning in Harrisburg for a solid minute. Anyone see the Mexican TV station airing of the mans Testicles?
  17. Highlight of the eclipse for me, driving home from work and see some lady driving with those special glasses on, looking up to the sky. Not sure if she cared she was on the interstate, driving.
  18. #3 for me some of my fondest memories are being in Pittsburgh from the mid 70s through about 81. My dad and I Pirates fans. Our parents would take us twice a year, once when they played the Phils (brothers team) And then the Reds (My moms team) most times we'd be at all games from Friday through Sunday. We would stay at the Hilton on the other side of the bridge. Opposing teams always stayed there. My brother and i would ride the elevators getting autographs.
  19. I'm a lifer and haven't been happy since like the early 90's
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