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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i'm being told there wasn't a Tornado warning issued for Perry County Yesterday, i told them they're wrong. Now i can't find it. Beer is on the line......help
  2. I honestly thought that storm coming from Perry County was gonna get us yesterday afternoon. But we too have skirted the bad chit..................so far
  3. Serious business, this guy i highly recommend. Joe Gregory 717-802-6259. He did work at my one rental property and he does all of our work for my fire company, Northeast Fire & Rescue. 

  4. i live in Summerdale.............and there sure was!
  5. oh boy, hope you don't have issues. Safe travels
  6. I understand peoples interest in severe weather. Thats why i got into weather in the first place ( being a fireman and all) But once the destruction hits you personally or you witness it up close and see how it really affects people you won't cheer it on.
  7. i heard golf ball size. A co-worker was driving home and around that area when it hit, he video taped it. the sound of hail hitting his car was nuts.
  8. Sun has been out in Harrisburg for awhile i would think. I thought it was really muggy when i came to work at 430 too. Now the sun has been out, maybe............just maybe! I doubt @canderson is paying attention.
  9. so, are we gonna be unstable enough to create havoc later? Weather brief the county sent out early this morning from the NWS thinks yes.
  10. I haven't seen lightning like that in a couple years. No sleep for several hours, as the rain pelting the house and the thunder and lightning, WOW.
  11. You want your mouth washed out with soap? Your a couple hours to late, go back to bed.
  12. This weather makes me wanna drink. I'm heading right to that quart "shine" jar when i get home
  13. all is good brohiem. This rain reminds me of when we had the flooding a couple years ago where the Hershey area got smacked. It seems like it has been dumping for hours
  14. I was thinking last evening i may have to start a fire to take off the chill.
  15. yeah, we certainly don't want our mud to dry up, heaven forbid!
  16. its got to get better...................................................................................RIGHT?
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