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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I had to run to the store as I forgot potato’s I struggled to keep my truck on the road
  2. Wind is impressive! When will the fans get turned off? happy thanksgiving men!
  3. i'm glad we didn't have the wind earlier. We would have burned an entire block instead of 3 houses. Looks like we warm briefly before dropping at sunset again.
  4. its colder now then it was at 230 this morning at our house fire. by about 10 degrees
  5. We won't turn the heat on in the original part of our house until probably Christmas. And when we do turn it on, it only runs when temps get into the 20s
  6. Some guy at work walks in my office at 6am and said, "heard we're gettin a bunch of snow for Thursday/Friday, should we put the plow on?" i spit coffee all over my desk laughing. He just turned and walked out of my office.
  7. I agree. Anything that can be picked up and moved by wind is either moved or will be by 430. Yesterday i did a battery check on lighting devices too
  8. i had a Porter and i forget what the other was, reminded me of a Bluemoon. Both were yummy
  9. I'm not a Yuengling Fan at all. But like i said, i enjoined the one i had. We were at Iron Hill last night, before concert, first trip i really enjoyed.
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