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About MacChump

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  • Location:
    Glen Mills, PA

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  1. wild how it's tapping into that gulf of america moisture
  2. Can’t wait for my heart to start beating again
  3. need to see when else he visited lol
  4. i'll go to sleep on saturday with visions of shady vs the lions dancing in my head edit: holy shit that was stafford too: 10/25, 151 yards
  5. agreed, usually shitty conditions favor the weaker team, but in this case the eagles' strengths are their o-line and saquon as opposed to the passing game...snow would seem hurt the rams more...then again, it's the eagles so...
  6. hopefully people will be smart and dress appropriately--meaning footwear mostly...leather-soled dress shoes and heels will definitely be a problem
  7. It was a 3pm start and we dug out and started tailgating pretty early lol
  8. coldest i've ever been at a game, i remember my beer freezing before i could finish it at some point in the second half
  9. i can tell you that i am a couple of miles over the DE/PA line, maybe 7 or 8 miles due north of Wilmington and i got 2 inches
  10. Still thinking 4 inches is a reasonable expectation here, shouldn’t have mixing issues and could see some banding on the northern edge…can’t remember the last time we hit 6 inches here so a little disappointing but what are you gonna do
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