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Everything posted by fourseasons

  1. Back when I played ladies rec hockey in university, primarily as a goalie, the equipment was one-size-fits all (ie. men's equipment) and usually damp from previous uses. No matter how many times I washed my hands they smelled like damp hockey equipment for a full 24 hours. Which reminds me of a legendary Molson commercial about a hockey equipment bag:
  2. I'm downwind from the fire, about a mile and half. Ash lying around all over the place and it just reeks outside. I'd appreciate some rain right now. For those familiar with the area, this is directly across Route 1 from the 24-hour WalMart and the Chuck E Cheese, and the Krispy Kreme is a couple blocks south. https://wtop.com/fairfax-county/2020/02/massive-fire-engulfs-fairfax-county-construction-site/
  3. If you're referring to the location near the Eisenhower Metro station, it's back open.
  4. Yikes. I had a basic broken ankle and it hurt like the dickens; can't imagine the pain she's in. Hopefully everything goes well from here on out so that a throbbing foot when there are significant pressure changes is the only long-term issue she'll have.
  5. I can think of a few NHL teams that would like to speak to you re: the dominance thing. With respect to Brady and Belichek, I think it is part "Could someone else win already," but the media needs to take a bunch of blame for their hero-worship of certain athletes, like Brady, and professional sports leagues for encouraging that focus on certain athletes over the team sport aspect. At a certain point it becomes a turnoff to the average fan who otherwise would say that person is good at what they do. Now that I've probably annoyed a Pats fan or two, I'll move a bit down 95 and add that I'm sure I wasn't the only person who thought the MLB/media slobberfest during Derek Jeter's last season got really tiring really fast. I mean, good players retire all the time but they don't get pre-game ceremonies and goodbye gifts from every other team in the league. Of course, now he spends his time running the Marlins into the ground.
  6. And look what happened as a result...
  7. Put it in Celsius and you've only got 10 degrees to go before the freezing mark!
  8. Looking at the traffic map, the worst time to get out of Dodge (the DC-Baltimore area) looks pretty nice. I guess the news people and AAA have done their job in scaring the daylights out of people.
  9. Probably was a fighter jet. NORAD exercises have been taking place in the DC area since midnight and are continuing until around 5:30 a.m., with altitudes as low as 2500 feet. F-16s, UC-35As, a Cessna 182T, and a MH-65D Dolphin helicopter are included. (I think I just heard one in the distance.)
  10. For the NHL it would be the owner of the Ottawa Senators.
  11. If the 2nd half of the Redskins-Jets game is like the first half, at the next Redskins' home game an entrepreneur should stand outside the Morgan Boulevard Metro Station selling paper bags with complimentary eyehole cutting included in the price.
  12. You're a better person than I am. I would have suggested reading the books and watching the movies.
  13. Later on, the announcers were twisting themselves in knots explaining how Alabama can be in the playoff with two losses on the season. To me it pretty much summed up to, "Because they're Alabama!"
  14. Guess this woman needs to move back to where she grew up: Canada.
  15. Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (King James version)
  16. Middle of the regular season, absolutely the tarp would have paid a visit for a while. Playoffs, deal with it. We're getting this game in.
  17. The whole "Sneeze on a quarterback and here comes the flag" is stupid. That being said, I watched my brothers play football and I have watched football from peewee to pro. Head injuries are real. (For the record, I'm a gal. Oh, and can TBS fix their horrific graphics? Years showing baseball on occasion and they still look like crap.)
  18. The Major League Lacrosse championship ended with controversy. Chesapeake Bayhawks win 10-9 against Denver after Denver may have tried to call a timeout that didn't get acknowledged. The Bayhawks then scored the winner.
  19. I'm on Team Double Spacebar After a Period. I'm also on Team Oxford Comma. I'm a Carter baby.
  20. I understand. Not insulted. Trying to subtract down time caused by commercial breaks, time in between pitches, visits to the mound, injuries, etc would be a monumental pain in the rear end for the scorekeepers so I get why it gets counted like it does, even if it's just for something to add to the game log. Honestly, my first thought when they mentioned the 2:55/9 minutes stat was, "Wow, they got the game done in under 3 hours." And yes, if you're going to lead 9 minutes of the game, it's useful to have them be the last nine. For football, though, you've got a 60 minute game that takes 3-4 hours from beginning to end and has about 10 minutes of action (give or take a few minutes). And don't get me started on the NBA, where the last minute or two of a game can take upwards of half an hour to complete.
  21. On the MLB Network it was pointed out that in a 2 hour, 55 minute game, the Nationals led for 9 of those minutes.
  22. Trust me, having grown up north of Montana, nobody's happy getting that type of snow in September. Or even getting snow in September.
  23. Well, the Orioles' season is mercifully over but at least they have Wilkerson's insane catch to go out on a positive note. I'm sure I'm not the only person surprised he didn't injure himself.
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