I understand. Not insulted. Trying to subtract down time caused by commercial breaks, time in between pitches, visits to the mound, injuries, etc would be a monumental pain in the rear end for the scorekeepers so I get why it gets counted like it does, even if it's just for something to add to the game log.
Honestly, my first thought when they mentioned the 2:55/9 minutes stat was, "Wow, they got the game done in under 3 hours." And yes, if you're going to lead 9 minutes of the game, it's useful to have them be the last nine.
For football, though, you've got a 60 minute game that takes 3-4 hours from beginning to end and has about 10 minutes of action (give or take a few minutes). And don't get me started on the NBA, where the last minute or two of a game can take upwards of half an hour to complete.