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About fourseasons

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  1. I come from a place where the only month of the year I haven't seen snow coming down from the sky is July. I had shown up in these parts only a few weeks before the January 25, 2000 event and while walking up the middle of a non-plowed major street in DC after the snow stopped falling I realized that, yeah, it's different around here.
  2. Plus supporting a small business.
  3. Ah, yes, memories. The day before onset, ordering Thai takeout to last me for several days because if I was going to go out and shovel every couple hours (wasn't waiting until the end) I wanted some Pad See Ew. And thinking bad thoughts about the plow truck driver even though I knew he was just doing his job. It was rather peaceful being outside shoveling at 2 a.m.
  4. Let's not even get into the NY Times recipe that featured peas as an ingredient in guacamole. There was a justice on the TX Supreme Court who tweeted up a firestorm about the injustice of it.
  5. I am of the belief that plenty of people were fine with Washington Football Team because WFT could be changed to WTF when circumstances called for it. Waits for the jokes the first time they're commanding the bottom of the NFC East...
  6. Time to edit: Watch until the end.
  7. Big ouchie for Buffalo with a minute left. Need a TD to win.
  8. Story about me and St. Louis, just because: About a decade ago my mom and I went there because my grandma was unwell. One morning, when watching the local news, there was a story about a neighborhood where the residents were concerned about how big and old the trees were and the damage they could cause to houses. One resident was interviewed in front of her house, and I recognized it immediately. It was the house my mom grew up in.
  9. Why are Cape Girardeau and Southern Illinois considered to be part of St. Louis? I'm also annoyed about the Eastern Canada thing. East of Quebec is called the Maritimes. And somehow the provinces west of Ontario don't seem to deserve any type of designation.
  10. Godspeed Brigadier General Charles McGee of the Tuskegee Airmen, who has passed away at the age of 102.
  11. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/cowboys/2022/01/16/national-reaction-to-bizarre-ending-to-cowboys-playoff-loss-to-49ers/ One of them: "...a truly remarkable symphony of failure by all parties involved". That's pure poetry right there.
  12. The mention of Das Boot reminds me of crossing a street in DC a bunch of years ago. I had two tourists next to me and there was a gentleman on the other side of them. They were looking at him with curiosity. The walk sign showed up and off he went, followed by the three of us, and the following happened: Tourist #1: Is he who I think it is? Tourist #2: It is! It's the guy from Hunt for Red October! Me: Yes, that's Senator Fred Thompson.
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