I imagine most of us had some winter event during our formative years that started our love for snow (and the weather channel at the time) and this is that storm for me. I grew up in Washington Township, NJ, about 10 miles SE of Philly (yo, @BBasile!) and was 9 years old at the time. Relying on my childhood memories, an unreliable source to be sure, I think we got about 2 feet. I couldn't imagine any more snow until my Uncle reported about 3 feet up in Vernon, NJ. That was my first taste of jackpot jealousy which I’m just now getting over. I can finally just appreciate storms for what they are and not worry about getting the most snow possible. Only took about 28 years...
I think I remember some sleet mixing in (could've been ‘96, or both) during the middle of the storm, but luckily wasn’t aware enough to get worried about it impacting totals or warm noses or anything. It didnt last long, from what I remember. Maybe an hour or two. I went out sledding with some friends pretty early on in the storm, which was awesome to be out in and was probably the only opportunity before there was simply too much for a sled to work.
I lucked out being too young/not knowing any better in the 80s during the dark days @RedSky has flashbacks about, but was young and impressionable for ‘93, ‘94 ice bonanza, and ‘96. ‘96 always seems to get the most hoopla on this site, but you never forget your first, and for me that was ‘93.