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Everything posted by Physicsteve

  1. Spotty mulch topper so far just NW of trenton. Currently pixie dust so r/s line seems pretty good. Wish it were further away!
  2. Adopted a rescue yesterday who’s not house broken so this afternoon and evening should be fun going outside every hour or so. Hoping for enough remaining precip and dynamics to wake up to some snow falling during the morning attempt(s). Think some slush otg is all I can expect here but rooting for the W/NW crew to cash in on some measurable depth. Go Birds!
  3. Not sure what the compressed file will look like but a wall of rain for about 75 minutes, with a 10 minute “lull” throw in there
  4. Monsoon-like rains and frequent ctg boomers for the past half hour or more in titusville, near Washington crossing. Impressive stuff
  5. Noticed many shrubs and dogwoods budding at our new digs in Titusville (near Washington Crossing) yesterday, this morning daughter and I awoke with allergies, and there are no less than 9 robins having breakfast in the backyard. Obs: spring
  6. Agreed. Not that it's the same up top, but for now seems like best case end result will be a lesser version of 1/28-29 to these novice eyes. Again lots of moving parts and interactions that won't start to be well-modeled until tomorrow imo. Who do we have to speak to in order to get some blocking?! Is this still from our winter-for-Super Bowl sacrifices from '17-18? (Worth it)
  7. Any obs from the Poconos area? Supposed to be up near Gouldsboro tomorrow morning and wondering how the conditions and infrastructure are faring? Are conditions better, same, or worse than progged? Thanks and sorry for the me-centric post
  8. I'm a novice at best so there's the caveat, but based on my understanding of psu's analysis last night looks like the pieces are playing together relatively nicely and piece 'A' has a North-South orientation rather than NW-SE that gfs wide-right was showing. I liked how that example still had a N-S component and wasn't all 'diagonal', which is hopefully closer to reality.
  9. My parents got married the next day and had to use my dad’s brother and wife’s rings because theirs were stuck at the jewelers (don’t know why they cut that so close). The way they tell it it started as snow but was supposed to flip to rain overnight but never did. I keep that hope alive whenever in a marginal temp situation.
  10. Encouragingly it’s been a persistent feature for a few runs on a few models. We’ll see! ETA: To be clear, it doesn’t stay closed as it moves East. Just wonder how when and where that energy eventually interacts will shape things.
  11. There’s a vort that breaks off from the northern stream over the weekend that closes off and spins over Baja Peninsula and AZ for a day and a half or so before finally moving East into the flow with everything else. I think how that split goes and actual duration of that vacation in the SW determines how next week goes.
  12. Can confirm as I drove across 195 about an hour ago there was what I would struggle to call a squall around exit 22ish.
  13. I guess that’s why ‘96 gets all the hoopla, and my memory is as bad as my wife says it is. Either way, it was the first big snowstorm I saw, and a weenie was born.
  14. I imagine most of us had some winter event during our formative years that started our love for snow (and the weather channel at the time) and this is that storm for me. I grew up in Washington Township, NJ, about 10 miles SE of Philly (yo, @BBasile!) and was 9 years old at the time. Relying on my childhood memories, an unreliable source to be sure, I think we got about 2 feet. I couldn't imagine any more snow until my Uncle reported about 3 feet up in Vernon, NJ. That was my first taste of jackpot jealousy which I’m just now getting over. I can finally just appreciate storms for what they are and not worry about getting the most snow possible. Only took about 28 years... I think I remember some sleet mixing in (could've been ‘96, or both) during the middle of the storm, but luckily wasn’t aware enough to get worried about it impacting totals or warm noses or anything. It didnt last long, from what I remember. Maybe an hour or two. I went out sledding with some friends pretty early on in the storm, which was awesome to be out in and was probably the only opportunity before there was simply too much for a sled to work. I lucked out being too young/not knowing any better in the 80s during the dark days @RedSky has flashbacks about, but was young and impressionable for ‘93, ‘94 ice bonanza, and ‘96. ‘96 always seems to get the most hoopla on this site, but you never forget your first, and for me that was ‘93.
  15. Sleet started mixing in here consistently about 30 minutes ago. Since then ~25% pure sleet, 75% sleet/pancake snow combo. 7” grill top measurement at onset of sleet around 11:20.
  16. In Hamilton, NJ (3 miles E-NE of Trenton proper) also woke up to snow on the ground at 530 that i was expecting to just be starting. Was lucky to be under that first narrow heavy band. Fluffy 4” grill top measurement about 20 min ago.
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