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Everything posted by Physicsteve

  1. I dunno this was a failure of modeling as soon as 5 days out. Someone else has said it before but it does make you wonder about the usefulness of running ops out so far. Even the ensembles were pretty useless for a while, although they eventually offered some hints of failure. But in my jadedness I think anything more than 168 hours for the ops is a waste of resources.
  2. Not much virga to speak of here. Came in like a relative wall. Snowing nicely with grass whitening.
  3. https://mercerme.com/winter-salt-week-raises-awareness-of-road-salt-impacts/ too late for this year and who knows what impact it has, but at least there is some effort towards judicious use out there. Roads are brined currently. Living near the Delaware and tributaries has definitely heightened my awareness.
  4. We’ve been ICON’d. It’s like being NAMd, but in German.
  5. I saw a brine truck doing its thing earlier and figured some advisories must have been hoisted. Then I had to think about what day it was and why they were doing it now. There's probably enough crushed salt left on the roads anyway (jk?) Not sure what to think about this event. Obviously not a blockbuster like potentially exists on the horizon, but it doesn't take much ice or sleet to make driving a dicey proposition. Happening overnight and into the Thursday AM commute may make this more impactful than face value.
  6. I was probably 5 or 6 my first game and got sick right as we walked up to the stadium from car sickness. Saw the dodgers with my mom and a friend who explained to me that we were booing eddie murray “because he’s doing good”. (Looked it up and he hit 2 hr that day) went to the implosion with some friends after staying up all night, as kids in college will do. Went to philly around 230 for some cheesesteaks and then watched from packer ave off 76. and lots of good times there inbetween. to the Vet! Go birds!
  7. With the back edge ever approaching, preliminary estimate is ~3” of white depth. A good amount of that is a snow/sleet combo so ratios have to be closer to an avg of the 3:1 sleet and 10:1 non-kuchie assumptions. Top layer is fluffy and pretty, but majority down below is dense.
  8. Recency bias, maybe? Never in my life been more accepting of dustings and coatings before. Anything 2”+ feels like a hurdle cleared and something I no longer take for granted (that’s what she said).
  9. Rollercoaster for sure. And sports ones don’t have alcohol and drug restrictions. Good times.
  10. Slay appreciation post Eta. How to delete a post?
  11. Rickety as he’s been this year Jake’s still money when it counts. Love this defense this year.
  12. Jalen, like the snow, just needs to let it rip. Definitely still been a mix of snow and sleet after the lull, maybe an inch of white concrete at the moment.
  13. Swiss cheese models may be right in that the banding will be hot and heavy, but scattered. Coastal finally seems to be picking up for round 2. When and where it snows, it should pile up quickly with this primer coat from round 1. Let’s finish strong snow and Eagle-wise. And Id lay 9.5 pts against the commodores[sic] as of now
  14. White rain/mist currently. Started doing it right about when I finished changing the oil in the snowblower. I delayed the jinx as long as I could! Sorry @Blue Dream Grass was trying to cave earlier but so far just a smattering of a whitening in the non-grassy areas of the lawn. And no, that’s not an oxymoron, just sub-par lawn density
  15. Proper snowflakes have started to fall lightly now. Relatively large flakes.
  16. Didn’t realize there was an obs thread like a noob. Had a dippin’ dots shower that started at 1030 and just fizzled out. Nonetheless happy to see wintry stuff falling before noon. Wunderground says 35 degrees currently. Also, go birds!
  17. Especially happening during the day and playoff football. Gonna be tough sleeping Saturday night. And I'm over 40 years old lol.
  18. Yessir. Im looking to add a penny to my nickels and dimes.
  19. As a near-Trentonian, mine is without Novocaine. Luckily there is still time until the appointment.
  20. Roughly 0.5” topcoat near Washington Crossing. Still looks and feels like winter, which was lacking for anything more than 2 consecutive days the last 2 seasons. Cmon big dog, January 15-25 is your time to shine, historically. Nice to see a signal this year but unresolved details will dictate reality.
  21. 1.5" for me as of 11:45, with maybe another half hour of light stuff to come.
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