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Kitz Craver

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Everything posted by Kitz Craver

  1. Only a few towns came close to BDL’s average, with much of that from this last event. That’s ugly for everyone I’d argue. Tough winter for CT
  2. That looks amazing. Sucks I’m Completely gonna miss this dump… Work and my Son’s 13th bday. Bummer
  3. What have you done with Torch Tiger?
  4. We get something major in the southern half of CT during that period, I’ll personally drive some of my harvest to you.
  5. Just brutal, didn’t cash in on a single decent event this season. Incredibly frustrating
  6. What else is a snow starved weenie to do…
  7. Been “snowing” pretty much since 11:00 here, but it’s glorified white rain. Absolutely nothing has accumulated
  8. I’ve been trying to decipher that for quite some time, lol
  9. Winter is never over for the interior March 14th
  10. And a knife twist for those who aren’t
  11. What’s happening over in Southington today? Any accumulation?
  12. DIT with a nice little weenie over his back yard
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