My interest in this hobby is regressing. It’s about snow in my back yard and for a 1/2 decade it’s been extremely hard to come by. Sucks, but whatever, I’ve been through enough personally in these last 5 yrs to realize it’s not all that important. At least there are drones… lol
I’m not seeing the Stein look. 06z GFS is a train of festive clippers 12/5 and on capped with a meaty SWFE. Just an OP run, it’s definitely not dry though.
Put some gypsum down it binds to the salt in the urine that creates the burnt grass and allows it to better wash through. I understand being respectful wrt picking up your dogs shit, but urine is a tough ask. My dog pisses a million times when I walk him.
My sister has been hopelessly addicted to Alcohol, oxy and now Suboxone for 25yrs. Lost everything. Her kids, job, family members, life as she knew it. I pray she will have a similar story one day.