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Kitz Craver

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Everything posted by Kitz Craver

  1. That’s a pretty epic 6z GFS for SNE. Let’s hope weenies.
  2. In all seriousness they chopped the duration on my P&C by half FWIW
  3. GFS definitely ticking warmer for Thursday and Sunday. A nod to the EURO IMO.
  4. GFS remains steadfast in the weenie dream camp while the EURO is pretty meh. Nobody in here need be reminded of the GFS track record this season. Winless?
  5. 06z GFS pretty much doubles down on the epic 0z run. Toned down like a hair, but still quite epic and would absolutely change the tenor of the season for pretty much all of SNE. Gotta get Dr No on board however. The GFS has been its little bitch this season.
  6. I know it, everything is hammered with salt brine
  7. SNE is cooked SOP for this next one. It’s either coming south(but not enough) and warm or too far north and warm. Beyond that, hopefully the gradient sets up far enough south
  8. Probably right, I’m old enough(43) where I endured some shit periods and still believed we weren’t going to be turning back from those great seasons. A true weenie goes all snowy all the time, lol.
  9. It’s like when we were in those favorable years the inner weenie thought we had unlocked some hidden potential where now Southern New England was the snowiest place on the planet. We should have seen this coming, mama nature will always average out. Question is if we parse the data from our epic winters and view it with regards to averages at certain locations have we entered negative departures yet? Or are we still chipping away at those incredible seasonal snowfall totals with every ratter that we endure?
  10. Really nice press on the GHD event also
  11. GFS was indeeed drunk, 18z back to par
  12. I’ve seen many a red-tag say, “Nope, it doesn’t work like that”
  13. Not even, it’ll be ok, but they will flirt with wet also
  14. We absolutely knew. Can’t make it up.
  15. Jan 25th with plenty of cold around and 8” thus far on the season. New levels of boredom unlocked
  16. Yeah a clipper traversing Brattleboro isn’t doing shite for SNE. That was an ugly run. Not solely for the clipper, in general
  17. I would also if we mustered up any retention with the current “pack” and refreshed it, however I believe much of it is gone by the time whatever this is arrives.
  18. Clipper not digging enough to be anything of consequence for SOP
  19. Gradient patterns can be epic, however southies quake at the thought of being on the wrong side of the mason Dixon line for snow.
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