Mid-south being the Memphis centered area? The ArkLaTex region over to northern MS etc? If so, I lived there from 1998-2009, and I have definitely noticed many many more high wind and windy days since moving to the delmarva. Discrete storms in the mid-south will obviously have huge winds, but sustained winds over the threshold for a high wind warning in that area are much harder to come by - I assume because fronts tend to sweep through there and I promise you the air can be quite still ahead of fronts. Once fronts clear there they tend not to be slow to leave so winds die down quicker than HWW thresholds maybe?
Over this way, I've noticed being caught between the mountains and any low pressure systems caught under a block off the coast that we sustain winds over longer hours way more effectively than the mid-south
Having typed all that, I may be completely wrong, so...YMMV.