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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. 100% gonna add those next year. The onions never did their thing, the broccoli didn’t really either. Carrots did good and green peppers about to produce. gonna try some late planter spinach and radishes.
  2. I had literally never tried a garden before as an adult and this year we gave it a shot. Hit and miss but, man, the six tomato plants I put in are making me feel like a minor deity. Just an affirming plant to grow...
  3. Crazy how fast we make rain disappear. Thought for damn sure was about to really get wet and...NOPE.
  4. 70” lollis out by Frederick? oh, wait, still august.
  5. Holy hell - downtown Frederick is fantastic. Probably anytime but especially on an august Saturday morning like this one.
  6. What an absolutely gorgeous evening. pleasant winds, low humidity - feels fantastic out.
  7. Looks like that storm cluster currently near Pittsburgh really might hold together and get to at least the baltimore area around midnight. Not great news for meteor hunting tho.
  8. Power! 25 hours but back to light and running water.
  9. 22 hours - still waiting for power.
  10. Same in Monkton. Initial burst of wind took the power just after 5:00 pm. Now after 8 am still nothing. I actually have no idea what conditions were across the area in general.
  11. Power came back just in time for first pitch from Camden. 20 hours. Lost most of fridge and freezer items but at least we are back with lights - and since we I was gone for a week at least the fridge wasn't loaded up.
  12. Back from vacation to…no power. Tree down over lines - happened near midnight when no wind so I guess was weakened from the previous two days. No estimate for service restoration at the moment so went and got ice and moved the stuff I just bought when we returned home into a cooler. May be awhile today until it comes back it appears.
  13. Please tell me you Carroll county folks got a good piece of that.
  14. It is literally the best division in baseball by about four universes and you acted like the Os are gonna cakewalk to the division title. That is a weird take. The O's have had an amazing year, and they've earned the hell out of being atop baseball's best division at this point - especially given that the Rays started 13-0.
  15. Um. ok. Yeah. the Rays def suck. Weird take.
  16. Um. what are you going on about? The AL east is loaded. the worst record is four games above .500. The Orioles should be proud as hell to be in this position, because nothing comes easy.
  17. got a very localized pop-up happening - been ripping rain for about 15 minutes at my home. Much appreciated and needed.
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