Just an all-time whiff by, like EVERY model, right? Like, literally, the people there did not have any real advance warning of this, right? Like four categories of off...
As a Bengals fan who dealt with ref issues involving the Chiefs in big spots BEFORE the taylor swift stuff, let me just say whoever is in KC for the playoffs REALLY will want at least a two score lead in the fourth quarter for sure...
Last few days things have started to pop in northern baltimore county. Not gonna be as spectacular as last year was but it’s pretty darn nice in the tree lines out and about today.
Yeah, just brutal bad timing on our parts, I suppose. But...dayum. It has been disappointing given that this is PRECISELY one of the reasons for the move I made.
Because a snarky response to a snarky "just move" post was meant to be a discussion of sample sizes? Just sayin' - the advice "just move north and you will be rewarded" is...flawed. As for sample sizes, I did say "at least given the last two years" which was clearly an indication I realize the sample size is small. Then again, at almost 53 years old, I may not have 100 years to let the sample size smooth out...