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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. Definitely helped with the rainfall deficit on the year.
  2. Right - sure wasn't when I left for work at 8. but...maybe I missed something about a temp drop. Guess not. Glad to see snow out west though.
  3. Ah, sorry, read too quickly. Seemed weird if that would have been harford county but I haven't really paid attention to timing on arrival of cold enough air on backside of system to give flurries...
  4. Ooooooo, I like that. yes, that. At least now I don’t have to know the current temp on mt Washington in the future…
  5. there should be another special board setting that when you put another user on ignore a special chime goes off. like an angel getting their wings, only, different.
  6. lol - there is some definite consistency there...
  7. So weird reading you all on the Ravens as a bengals fan. Fwiw, baltimore is CLEARLY the class of the afc at this point in time. I have them a step below SF but we will see that resolve itself shortly. In any event, just accept that the ravens are really really good this year and enjoy the ride would be my advice…
  8. No , no, radar was awful and the storm was booking and was gonna shut off just after midnight and was a terrible disappointment…
  9. I’m a bengals fan, so…good luck!
  10. well thank fucking god you were here to let us know all that.
  11. Just finished today’s planned hike - 9.2 miles through various trails in gambrills state park - got it in before the rain really began. The hike leader was moving quick and there were only seven of us and that helped. Started at 9:15 and ended at 1:15 pm. 1100 feet of ascent total. A+ walk.
  12. Absolute terrible visibility fog on drive from monkton to gambrills state park. Fog holds up here - on snack break on the hike 5 miles in of a planned 9-10 miles. 44 and I think I hear rain starting to fall.
  13. Looks like not a fast onset maybe for the northern tier. Time to get outdoors this AM for exercise /shopping/church etc it looks like.
  14. Love it Millville! Well done! i am down 33 since late august and I feel so much better. These hikes are an absolute joy to me.
  15. What in the world are you taking about? Read the thread. No one has said that.
  16. I get that, altho they have way more wiggle room still than Cincinnati did heading into this one. What an insane fourth quarter that was.
  17. As the board’s resident bengals fan, holy shit. Crazy comeback. Somehow still alive for playoffs.
  18. My Saturday hiking club hike was postponed unfortunately so I signed up for one tomorrow AM - hoping the rain is light early and we should be wrapped before the bad stuff gets here. Today looks glorious for a hike - enjoy!
  19. God I wish I were a mod. That shit would stop.
  20. I’d go to Columbia - nice compromise between the northern area folks and the dc beltway folks and the Frederick folks.
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