whelp, there's bunch of us across the northern tier that would be quite happy if we get to a six-inch warning level storm...let's verify one of those for Mappy to me - to interstate - to the bel air crew to t.august
But somehow these tend to go from pinks to struggling to get to four inches for our crew. Maybe this one will be different!
I think I will join a weather forum and ten days in tell people who have been on the forum for decades and are in many cases pros not to be excited because model runs may change.
With my ground-breaking insight, I shall soon rule that forum.
@Interstate @T. August curse update - starting tomorrow will be crashing in Hamilton neighborhood until the March 1 move back up to Hunt Valley - so maybe that is far enough south of you all to get a warning level snow to you for Tuesday...
It may indeed be to our north, but that snow map in Ohio is fucking hilarious. No way, no how. Even in their best snow runs through the southwest and central parts of the state, half of that would be noteworthy.
I was in the Hampden/Roland Park area before Dec. 2021 so...the curse has really been with me since about a second after the snow ended in January 2016. I think 2019 was last warning level snow I saw in an area I was living - and that was in Balt City. Not since then. I am like the guy from Thanks for all the Fish where the rain follows him around only it is my shielding snow wherever I am. Even when I chased a snowfall up to frickin' Thurmont in 2019 I drove the snow away. 12 inch forecast and they got 3 inches that day. Worst superpower ever.
I have good/bad news. As of March 1 I am moving to...Hunt Valley. So you get six miles south for me. Consider this a monkey's paw situation for your wish lol.
Let me be clear, for six years that supposition has NOT worked up this way. You can keep typing it, but please understand that we’ve seen this for years and years now. So, yeah, this kind of hiccup raises some eyebrows up my way.