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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. I would think we'd want to see 24 hours of models showing some version of this so...tomorrow? (littleweightnotamet)
  2. The smoke from the Canada wildfires. That will be something I will never forget. Nothing else came close to being that memorable for me weatherwise in 2023.
  3. Just got a text that allegedly my power has been restored. Please don't be effin' with me BGE. Please.
  4. Looking for the warmest or driest map from the control to post from 700 hours plus presumably...
  5. Finally an update from BGE. BGE: ETA for restoration of service - 9:00. Me - say! BGE: PM Me: - dammit BGE: TOMORROW Me: - (UNPOSTABLE WORDS ON THIS OCCASIONALLY FAMILY FRIENDLY BOARD)
  6. On an up note, no power in January 2024 means…the house is still plenty warm. I can’t even put the milk and such outside to really stay cool until power comes back.
  7. Pretty sure my almost limitless reservoir of little house on the prairie related humorous references does not have an audience. Trying it out in the storm obs thread. Tip your waitstaff.
  8. Still no power. As always. I moved to some pocket of the county where every time there’s even a slightly elevated risk for wind we immediately turn into Little House on the Prairie. no eta for restoration yet . 255 customers in my cluster getting ready to join Charles Ingalls in heading off to Mankato to look for work.
  9. Text from bge says I am without power. Plenty of power in middle of towson tho thankfully. Clean sweep round 1 trivia questions.
  10. Thinking maybe I need to leave trivia night and head to Westminster immediately…
  11. The drive down york rd for trivia night in towson about 6:45 pm was…unpleasant. That was extremely legit rainfall rates. Yikes.
  12. Total obliteration of snow hopes and dreams looking on track tho.
  13. It’s the “I leaned it from you!” commercial from the 80s really…
  14. They’ve started a whole other thread - that’s where this discussion is located…
  15. The board sat up and chose “violence” today…
  16. Growing up in southwestern and then central Ohio I will confirm for you that the same excruciating misses on the margins occurs for midwest cutters as it does for us. So many times in the mid-1980s forecast 6-10 inch snows for me just east of Columbus would end up two counties north. We just don't notice for the reasons you said. As for whether the presence of cutters in the longer term is more stable, maybe? But there is a huge difference in a cutter at 7 days that is modeled through north dakota and at game time ended up in eastern Ohio - but we don't follow those swings that closely either TL/DR - WxUSAF is right.
  17. Ima gonna let it go. Safety first. I guess I am gonna expect some EJ style tree damage now though, gonna need to see reports of whole forests down. My expectations are raised for weather carnage.
  18. If this were a landfalling tropical storm or hurricane I would totally not have said anything, I guess my confusion stems from the fact that, and I am pretty positive about this, there have been literally at least several dozen or more high wind warning days unrelated to landfalling systems since I moved to the Baltimore area in 2009 and I do not remotely recall this kind of response to any of those other days. It is just...befuddling, that's all. I don't begrudge anyone leaving school early. Hell, I am pretty sure I just authorized closing our office at 2:30. But...it is still confusing to me, I guess.
  19. Dear lord, my boss just asked me if we should give thought to letting people go early today (apparently my status as default official weather person is now more official for the office). I don't even know what to say at this point. I am gonna say...yes, to be safe. I guess. I mean, I am still so confused.
  20. Do we all live on the Andrea Gail and I am just now finding out?
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