Good lord - I just had to clear off my snowboard and the other spots I measure as a control so I could potentially measure new snow. It has been a LONG time since that was a consideration…
Genuinely one of my favorite places in the world - up that way. Summer of 2021 and 2022 did my vacation on Beaver Island (accessible by ferry or small plane) in Lake Michigan off coast from Charlevoix. Spent many years as a kid vacationing in the upper peninsula and also on an island near Mackinac called Bois Blanc (where my grandfather had a hunting cabin). Northern Michigan is my hit-the-lottery-and-buy-land-with-a-cabin dream...
The brilliance of Superman IV is unsurpassed. People simply refer to at as "the IV" and the room goes silent as the genius of the work is considered...
12/7/23: T (maybe a T on 12/6/23 too but I was not home to see it/verify it)
12.11.23: .8"
1/6/24: T (two hours of winter storm watch - yay! - rapidly converted to winter weather advisory - still ok... - then -- a little sleet and snow and a LOT of rain...sigh)
1/14/24 - T
1/15/24 (a little into the early AM on 1/16 too) - 4"
Season total - 4.8"