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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. I think I've been seeing for a few days things pushed back to tomorrow - been looking decent today for several days now...
  2. After being cool (cold) and wet since mid-March, feels really nice out today with temps in the 70s.
  3. As someone who grew up in Ohio, you just don't hear that a lot...
  5. People tracking cloud cover is giving me worse weather anxiety than tracking snow.
  6. 40s, howling wind, and drizzle. This really does suck. Been weeks of this. Enough.
  7. Didn’t feel it in my bldg in downtown Baltimore but my oldest felt in at their workplace in Annapolis.
  8. Rained again this AM briefly and apparently supposed to rain again later? We've had rain each day in my part of the area since last Saturday. Seven days in a row with rain. And cold. Ready for warmer weather.
  9. Need to extend my mental arc of heavy rain from Charlestown over then...nice total trix.
  10. I am guessing a 3-day rainfall estimate when this is finally over will show an arc of heaviest rain from you up toward Frederick and across the northern tier to include Balt City north.
  11. Whelp. that probably explains the text I just got from bge about power being out for my hood (21111)...
  12. Generally when EJ says "meh it looks over" that's usually when the hammer drops, so be careful...
  13. I bet we have at least another inch to go, maybe more, looking at the next six hours of radar...
  14. Hoo boy is it different to your north - up in Northern Baltimore county been three days of monsoon. Hasn't rained for 24 hours each day but for the times it has been raining absolute deluges, and this morning may be the heaviest yet from Baltimore north.
  15. Absolute deluge up here pre-dawn and into the 8:00 hour.
  16. Holy moly, my area is NOT missing this round - absolute deluge at the moment and has been for hours in northern Balt County. Took the dogs up to the NCR trail which, not surprisingly, we had to ourselves, and standing water everywhere. Labrador heaven.
  17. Not to be too macabre, but, is everyone literally ok? 1:25 am - odds are that our crew was all in bed but disquieting on every level.
  18. I am seeing 68 for Baltimore for a high temp on Saturday. Will snow stick at 68 degrees?
  19. Yeah, it’s kinda booking / rain over by around midday for much of the forum?
  20. Yeah - still only 44 in Monkton and feels just raw.
  21. Superlative work from Will and Ji putting up all those blizzard snow maps weeks and weeks early - totally nailed the four flurries this AM. Good stuff.
  22. Hey Midlothian! Good to hear from you and I am super glad you caught that one pretty flush in Boulder.
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