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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. Every time - "where in the hell did that piece of energy come from? Ah well, nevertheless..."
  2. The real ones know, there is ALWAYS a hidden kicker lurking to pop up on the modeling about this time. At least, when it affects the warning-level snow-hole zone currently in effect for six years and counting between my area and Havre de Grace...
  3. Relax you. @T. August knows we got this. Dodging warning levels snow events like Neo dodging bullets.
  4. Look at us reeling in another potential miss! Hot streak, baby!
  5. Even the Canadian is still an area wide warning snowfall, fucking put on your big person pants people. Jesus.
  6. Snowing pretty good in hunt valley
  7. I think people are COMPLETELY missing that point - thanks for making it again. It's not being out of the jack, it is missing the good stuff entirely. 24 hours of snow that accumulates 3 inches kinda stuff. That has been that way for years and years for many of us up this way.
  8. Just tag Ralph. @Ralph Wiggum, cut that shit out.
  9. Oh, I think we can book that from here...
  10. Welcome - genuinely too early to guess at that. Might not even be a storm to time out.
  11. Just pure devastation and crying snow lovers in our wake
  12. See!!!!! @Interstate @mappy - I may not be the only moving jinx!!!!
  13. He got off for years on being contrarian - he would literally forecast the opposite of the modeling. When modeling showed a no snow or small snow event, he would grab the outlier snowiest model and push that. And, yes, he totally underforecast a few of the biggest area storms, again, I think because it was his shtik.
  14. He was in a full blown contrarian phase. It was bizarre. Then I no longer had to read his shit because I got the block hammer...
  15. He was doubling down on 3-6 for balt city in real time on twitter even as it was already vomiting snow - I wore him out for a bit on that and then he sent me to the shadow zone…
  16. Ancient history. Only posts like that now come from Calvert County on the regular...
  17. In my case - cheap “old man” (mid-50s) cardio.
  18. Just saw it on the Sky - yep - gorgeous . So fun.
  19. lol - here to help ! (Catastrophic development for @Fozz though…)
  20. Woo! That’s a really great snowfall Andy - congrats - has to be gorgeous to wake up to. Enjoy!
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