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North Balti Zen

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Posts posted by North Balti Zen

  1. Just now, nj2va said:

    Yeah, we don't need the constant reminders its on its own...lets just weenie out and dream.  :lol:

    Right? It's five days away - given where we were 24 hours ago when everyone was dunking on the idea of the event/thread (and, with reason, really) - this is a delightful turn of events - been like 18 hours of being able to hope a little - and given that we are in a fallow tracking period - that's a fookin' great thing. 

  2. On balance, it is a TON more fun to have one of the majors doing this five days from an event even if it is on an island - just fun to dream a bit - especially given that this is still the period before THE PERIOD OF INTEREST. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Terpeast said:

    Let's temper our expectations. The GFS is on its own with the snowy solution. CMC did shift further south, so maybe it's onto something like resolving the s/w spacing, confluence, etc. Need to see the Euro blink, though

    Someone mentioned Jan '22 and those of us north of 695 got like a quarter inch from that while you all in the beltways south basked in a legit huge snow so...my expectations are pretty damn low lol...but would so super cool for the GFS to have sniffed one out and also would be cool if it could get a ton of the forum too...

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, aldie 22 said:

    Talking suppression, dry and March....should be fun reading when the kids get home from school today :lol:

    Still shoveling beautiful projected pattern tho. So we go that going for us. 

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    • Haha 1
  5. We’ve shoveled some epic pattern this year. Even more than the epic pattern chases of winter of ‘21. Can’t wait to gather the young’uns in the village when I am a respected elder and spin them the tales of all the blues and reds in the right places and glorious that was. 

    “did it snow?” the kids will ask

    ”oh my no” I will chuckle - “ but my god , did you not hear me? The pattern!”

    • Like 1
  6. Six mile hike and three mile walk (the latter with the dogs) yesterday - today 5 miles at lake Roland this AM and now about to knock out five more at Oregon Ridge - was 30 degrees at 9 am at lake Roland (mt. Washington) area of north Baltimore - now at 43 at Oregon Ridge. Gorgeous blue skies, no wind. Oregon Ridge is packed with families and walkers. 

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  7. Trading for guys in their walk year like Burnes and going after a WS title is what big boy franchises do. And if he walks after this year, which he probably will given Boras as his agent, given the light prospect haul sent for him, it is 100% the right thing to do. The first actual "we are going for it" move. Love it. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, aldie 22 said:

    I'm making popcorn to see who cracks first on the potential pattern change. Easy money is on Ji but don't underestimate someone like Heisy or Terpeast getting jumpy :hurrbear:

    Terpeast may be the new betting favorite. I am impressed at his quickness to panic. 

    • Haha 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, aldie 22 said:

    I can't believe it's almost February and I have to start planning inventory forecasts for the holiday season already.

    I can see the back edge of winter 26/27 already. Hope winter of '27/'28 is better.

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