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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. Years and years of this crap now up this way, it’s so tiring to see unfold over and over again.
  2. That would fit the six year drought of non-winter storm warning level events we are working on up this way, so, sure. I think I am permanently scarred from the January 2022 horror-show miss up this way...
  3. Re: the Bourbon street attack - that is just so soul-crushing. That was literally where I just was for two of the three Billy Strings New Orleans shows - couldn’t make the NYE show because had to be back, so flew home yesterday. Our hotel was four blocks from where it happened. We literally spent large parts of Sunday snd especially Monday exploring the French quarter and met so many cool strangers (wearing a billy strings concert shirt when they are in a town is a cheat code to quick friendships) - and between the concert goers, the Georgia and notre dame fans, and general NYE attendees, the vibe and mood was immaculate. Just devastating to wake up to. I am so worried for some of the crew we met who were staying much closer to where it happened - the interval between when the NYE concert ended and when the attack occurred was two hours, enough time for folks to make their way back from the venue to the Quarter. as always, so senseless. Just soul renderingly sad for me to process, everything is so fresh from what had been two pretty magical days. I hope the people we met are ok. So devastated for the lives torn apart. sorry to be a bummer on new years morning, but this news hit me like an anvil to the face.
  4. Right, I genuinely hope this thing comes north to give me a foot and you get sleet.
  5. Correct, were I Ji 6z gfs is a complete disaster why does anyone do this stupid hobby…
  6. Thanks as always for taking the time to drop your expertise here, millville- and happy new year to you too!
  7. The northern Maryland crew stands with Mitch’s notes on the ukie…
  8. Supposed to be landing at 3:30 at bwi - let’s hold off whatever line until a few hours after that.
  9. Gross eta - for those of us to the north - that’s how we have gone since 2019 without a warning level event - Jan 2022 when that particular stripe got 6-11 inches we got a dusting. but, sure, hope it goes down just like that, rooting for you all.
  10. All I know is the best dirty talk on this board is the filthy dirty talk from our esteemed mets - this is hawt “One of the things I like about these setups is that stronger 850-700mb FGEN on the northern periphery of the precip due to that confluent feature over the Northeast. There tends to be multiple banding structures within the FGEN schemes, typically 7H FGEN located north and 85H located a bit further south. We've had cases of this in the past that over performed, especially within that northern 7H FGEN band.”
  11. A gag, I think - but perhaps he has time to tour with them for a bit
  12. Just got back to hotel. Absolute fire show. They broke out Edmund Fitzgerald - only second time ever (first was in Germany). here was the set list - https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/billy-strings/2024/kiefer-uno-lakefront-arena-new-orleans-la-1b558180.html it all ruled - but absolute highlights were -Pretty Daughter -Mire -Fitzgerald -Red Daisy -Taking Water Really pumped to see what they break out for night two, tomorrow night - already dreading what I will miss because I can’t stay for the third night ender on NYE (but grateful as hell for getting to see nights one and two…)
  13. Was gonna mention the nice weather in New Orleans today (here for two nights of Billy Strings) but…I think it was a hair warmer for you all back home…
  14. Nope - nice events - but neither quite warning level up this way.
  15. Yeah, chill should be cheering a suppressed look where he is. Up in northern parts of Maryland…not so much down with suppressed looks due to a cold push. At least, not my favorite place to be in terms of dangers of missing systems. And, up this way, we’ve found a LOT of ways to whiff on systems for years now.* *psu mountain is its own thing - rest of us not on psu mountain up this way have gone years and years since a legit warning level snow event (Jan 2022 was almost a complete miss up here)
  16. If you want to peruse the maps from that second Feb 2010 storm and pieces of energy involved - this is a good read - http://www.raymondcmartinjr.com/weather/2010/10-Feb-10.html And to remind of the orientation of heaviest snows in that storm, here’s a link the snow totals - check out Howard County to get a feel for the way it fell off - https://www2.atmos.umd.edu/~greybush/SnowFeb2010/Storm2/DC_snowamts.txt
  17. Extreme blocking regime. Trapped the energy in just the right spot so it didn’t escape/form further NE like it usually does. And, again, even with that the farther south and west parts of our area got hosed compared to the beltways - - see @dailylurker ‘s post.
  18. second Feb blizzard 2010 was basically a miller B fully realized for a bunch of us (not all, less happiness south and west of DC)
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