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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. Roger Smith got into the psychedelic stash again…
  2. F for Monkton area. Mappy has the right of it.
  3. Yeah , was figuring it wasn’t you - just terrible that anything has sparked with dry conditions and this kind of wind.
  4. That sucks, so sorry to hear that. So dangerous with the wind like this.
  5. Holy fuck this wind. No bueno.
  6. Look closer, I said POINT TWO contour...(lol)
  7. Congrats @mitchnick looks like a healthy .2" over you!
  8. They are too far north - the more deserving snow people are south of them.
  9. 4:00 when the punch of wind hit the power went our and...definitely felt like it was gonna be out awhile. And...it has been, almost 28 hours now.
  10. fuck this wind. Not just saying that because I still don't have power back up in Monkton, but also, that isn't helping. Just so shitty to completely have the snow chances gone and instead we get two days of howling damn wind.
  11. Kinda enjoying that one particular poster from that area might know the joy of being fringed by being too far north for a system, actually...
  12. We are on a heater of NOT snowing well.
  13. Probably driving to Alabama where the snow belt now is
  14. I’ve had no power at the house in Monkton since 4:00 pm yesterday. So that’s an extra level of “not great Bob” on top of the snow chances collapse.
  15. Friend, everyone on this board remembers. Some of us flew back early from Christmas travel to avoid travel problems…
  16. That book fucking rules. Kidz need to know.
  17. two gummies in, sailing, and the lyrics from this Strings jaunt that just played seem on point for this forum/thread/storm threat...
  18. If livestreaming Billy Strings from Asheville and getting baked doesn't fix this, nothing will. Bad news for that richmond guy, even baked me is rooting against him. Everyone else, i hope you jack.
  19. @psuhoffman thoughts on ralph's question? because i have the same one/observation on the potential issue.
  20. 11/22/24 - T 12/5/24 - T 12/6/24 - T 12/20/24 - .5” 12/24/24 - .1" 1/3/25 - T 1/6/25 - 3” (the opposite of the magical event for the beltways here in Monkton - ten hours of snow to get three whole inches. Whee.) 1/11/25 2"(snow on snow)(snow started just after midnight and ended up almost as much as Monday's disappointment - this one was way more fun to wake up to) 1/16/25 - T 1/19/25 - 2" (another winter storm warning bust - couldn't hold good banding or snow growth other than for about one hour) (still running on six years since a verified warning event for areas I have lived (north baltimore city and then monkton starting in 2022) 2/11/25 - 2.5” 2/15/25 - .3" (some sort of wintry mixish stuff) Season total - 10.4”
  21. Every time - "where in the hell did that piece of energy come from? Ah well, nevertheless..."
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