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North Balti Zen

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About North Balti Zen

  • Birthday 12/11/1970

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. They are too far north - the more deserving snow people are south of them.
  2. 4:00 when the punch of wind hit the power went our and...definitely felt like it was gonna be out awhile. And...it has been, almost 28 hours now.
  3. fuck this wind. Not just saying that because I still don't have power back up in Monkton, but also, that isn't helping. Just so shitty to completely have the snow chances gone and instead we get two days of howling damn wind.
  4. Kinda enjoying that one particular poster from that area might know the joy of being fringed by being too far north for a system, actually...
  5. We are on a heater of NOT snowing well.
  6. Probably driving to Alabama where the snow belt now is
  7. I’ve had no power at the house in Monkton since 4:00 pm yesterday. So that’s an extra level of “not great Bob” on top of the snow chances collapse.
  8. Friend, everyone on this board remembers. Some of us flew back early from Christmas travel to avoid travel problems…
  9. That book fucking rules. Kidz need to know.
  10. two gummies in, sailing, and the lyrics from this Strings jaunt that just played seem on point for this forum/thread/storm threat...
  11. If livestreaming Billy Strings from Asheville and getting baked doesn't fix this, nothing will. Bad news for that richmond guy, even baked me is rooting against him. Everyone else, i hope you jack.
  12. @psuhoffman thoughts on ralph's question? because i have the same one/observation on the potential issue.
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