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About Doramo

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Dora, MO - Ozark County

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  1. Heavy banding here currently ....I feel for those so far, who are missing out on the heavy snow . But it aint over yet so who knows ? We've missed more than hit here over the years . I've never seen snow coming down this heavy since I moved here in 2002?
  2. It's been snowing light to moderate since 10am or so and is just now starting to get heavier and more consistant . Loocally weather briefs are saying 9" to 13 " totals . I'll take the 13" total
  3. We had 6" of snow here in Ozark county missouri . Any chance that this new system trends north like this last one did? I mean that we arenearly a week out yet ....I hoping
  4. I'll take the 12Z run NSSL-WRF .....but nudge it a bit farther east, west, south and north gotta have everybody included don't ya know
  5. What Joe Bastardi says about the rest of winter " The Worst Is Yet To Come ) (listen to the 1:17 mark) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vJlv6yzLTo
  6. Ozark County upgraded to winter Ice storm warning last night . Had to take my dog out to the skating rink this morning . Hadn't measured but at least 1/4" and 31° @ 9:25am .
  7. Freezing rain isn't liked for those who have to drive in it but I'm retired and I don't have drive in it . I feel for those who do as it is very treacherous . But as for freezing rain it is very beautiful to see with the sun sparkling on it . But really I love freezing rain, snow, sleet. freezing fog etc. I really don't like extreme cold though .
  8. Got 1" snow and school is out here also . Reason here is due to most families live on dirt roads and of course the road department don't do the dirt roads , only pavement. Due to the cold (no snow melt) school will not be back in session until the dirt roads are safe . Which will probably be Thursday .
  9. 34 and sleet here currently . Making the ramp outback a little slippery.
  10. That is a ways out yet so maybe the cold will coincide with the moisture . I hope, I hope, I hope .
  11. We got another surprise snow after midnight last night . About 3/8s inch . Not much but I'm glad for what I got .
  12. We had 1/4th inch here but it melted quickly . Was fun watching the big snow flakes .
  13. Will this above normal and dry ever end? No snow in sight Yuck
  14. I'm still hanging in for one more bout with winter presip until I hear the fat lady sing .
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