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Everything posted by goldman75

  1. Myrtle beach just got bumped up from 2-4inches to 4-6. Sleet stayed off shore better than expected
  2. How much wiggle room does the Carolina coast have if the nw trend goes much further before it turns into a sleet fest?
  3. So whats the fv3 high res? Decent/accurate mesos? It looks better than most. I feel like years ago there was a gfs fv3. Been MIA from the hobby for a while
  4. Eh, it’s the gfs at this short range but it’s trying to throw some precip further inland into the Carolinas
  5. I’m still holding onto hope here in Myrtle beach
  6. lol just wanna see the 0z go one tick further .
  7. Here in Myrtle beach it looks like we still have a shot at a dusting. That’s all I’m asking for. No snow for years now. My boys would love to just make a snowball lol
  8. I work in an emergency room so I had to drive to work tonight. I live in Myrtle beach. Car has icicles on it already. Suppose to be driving home at 7am. Not sure how that’s gonna go
  9. I love the gfs right where it is for us coastal folks. It already has my boys out of school on Friday here in Myrtle beach lol. Can you believe they want them to do virtual school on a snow day? I’ll just say we lost power. Good chance we do anyways
  10. Here in Myrtle beach I’ll take that all day long over all freezing rain!
  11. If it’s snowing in tampa then here in Myrtle beach might do ok
  12. What is this possible pivot you guys are talking about? Is it something similar to a hurricane wobble? This pivot is suppose to help snow out east? Thanks for any clarification
  13. It’s been 779 days since the last flake fell in myrtle beach. HRRR looks like I’m gonna be up with the kids hoping to see some flakes falling around 5am. Would be their first time seeing snow that they are old enough to remember, even if it doesn’t stick
  14. It also has the snow hole on Myrtle beach but snows in Georgetown. Mark it on the calendars, it’s legit.
  15. Yeah, I’m as amateur as they come when it comes to knowing what I’m talking about but we would be heavily relying on wetbulb I think. Need some heavy rates of precip to cool off the surface
  16. 00z Canadian not on shore yet with the Monday system but it made a leap west
  17. i see it creeping to the coast, but temps don’t seem low enough. Down my way in Myrtle beach they appear to be 40ish but even toward the outer banks is mid-upper 30s. Any reason to believe if this trends closer, the temps will play along?
  18. My fv3 maps aren’t out that far yet. Does the snow make it to the coast?
  19. But not bad for everyone. I’d take that here in Myrtle beach
  20. Back to the drawing board after that bust. A dusting to a half inch they said. Get the sleds out they said. Looks like I’m just eating normal ice cream today
  21. I had a forecast of 3-5 inches like the folks around me got. Guess where I live
  22. My local met here in Myrtle beach, ed piatrowski, is very conservative. At 2pm today he released his map and said 3-5 inches of snow. All we got is a handful of sleet pellets. What a bust so far. Maybe we can squeak out an inch if it changes over eventually
  23. Good luck further out north and west. After 8 days of consistent 2-3 inches, I've reached the cold rain level from the northwest trend. I'm just praying for .1-.5 inches now
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