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Everything posted by dmillz25

  1. Oh wow I was there too it was amazing It definitely was man exciting
  2. Got you ill shoot you a msg when im there
  3. Im on my way there definitely chilly
  4. Oh I did a @nycwinter and threw on my coat lol
  5. For the August 2045 one might be a good idea to go to the Dominican Republic for that one since they will be in the path of totality
  6. Yeah that’s dusk looking period we had looked different
  7. 3 time ever feeling a quake but this takes the cake
  8. Wow loud crack of thunder
  9. 42 with a thunderstorm lol
  10. 2.65” with more incoming
  11. Pouring here. 1.75” here and counting
  12. Central Park: 7.5” Bed Stuy Brooklyn: 15.3”
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