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Everything posted by Ravens94

  1. Nam actually looks better at 500 this run
  2. Yeah looks like about that with more to come
  3. The last minute NW push is definitely no joke. No signs of stopping either
  4. Nam is already interacting even more pretty loaded up over N TX
  5. I believe 12z guidance across the board will improve. Lots of big hits in the ensemble spread and looks likely that's where we are headed. WSW criteria snow for sure
  6. Nam has some big time interaction this run
  7. Not trying to make a entire discussion about the SREF but using SPC maps it's further NW and appears wetter for sure
  8. It certainly seems possible for a stripe of 6-10 looking at the individuals in the GFS there are some pretty big hitters in there.
  9. There is several big hits in the GEFS Need to zoom sorry they are small
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