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Everything posted by NEOH

  1. Thanks for the update. Yeah, the euro isn't near as much fun as the gfs. Although, we may a bit too far south for this event if current wind trajectories were to hold. Hopefully we'll see bit more of NW'erly direction. A few degrees change will make a huge difference. 280 - 290 would be an ideal single band scenario.
  2. Thanks for the update. Yeah, this weekend has potential. The duration does seem short but as you mentioned... a favorable WNW flow.
  3. Nice to see the snow last night. No accum's though. These windy storms are great at draining heat from the lake... Would rather store it for a better les set up.
  4. I was thinking the same thing... lets store up as much heat at possible. It's awesome outside.
  5. The wind and rain should bring down most of the remaining leaves (at least imby). Pretty lackluster color around here this year. Can't remember a year like this. The leaves just seemed to wilt and fall... they didn't stay on the trees very long.
  6. I left town early yesterday morning as well. Wife said there was a dusting... that's about it.
  7. Mostly graupel and a few flakes coming down this morning. Surprised there isn't more activity over the lake.
  8. While -6C isn't all that impressive... lake temps are still hovering near 60. Extreme instability to say the least. Looks like a 320-310 wind direction which isn't the best. Should be good for a few heavy bursts at times though.
  9. 850 temps get down to -6 or -7 Saturday night. Not sure what other parameters look like but that should be good enough for snow to mix in. Hopefully we don't get another October 2013. I still have dead branches hanging in the trees from that LES event.
  10. From what I'm reading November looks cool/cold. Maybe we'll get a decent early season LES event... those are the best IMO. Leaves have really started to change this week. Color is so so though. Seems like a lot of the leaves in my yard are just wilting and falling.
  11. Picked up 1.26" of rain yesterday. We really needed that. Definitely noticing the colors starting to pop. A lot of the leaves from the maples in my yard are wilting and falling.
  12. Nice forecast OHWeather. You've got me excited about LER. It will be interesting to see what happens. Seems like conditions are extremely favorable. Hard to believe the sun exposed areas of my yard are toast after all of the rain earlier this Summer.
  13. Hopefully the lake effect rain delivers this weekend. Picked up a whopping .02 from the rain and storms in the forecast the past few days. What a bust.
  14. Could really use a soaker locally. Amazing how dry it has become. Storms are popping but it looks like lakeshore areas will get lake breezed. Wonder if that line in MI will push southeast over the lake later today.
  15. Small hail and high winds... Not bad for a collapsing storm that lasted about two minutes.
  16. Beautiful view of the storms rolling in off of the lake.... Pretty rare to have no debris clouds. Just blue skies and the storms. We got missed last night so hopefully these storms take a right turn and head southeast as they normally do.
  17. Wouldn't that be interesting. The airport is run so poorly nothing would surprise me. I believe CLE contracts with an FAA observer to handle snowfall measurements. We've had a nice stretch of dry weather locally. As DTA mentioned the grass is actually browning in spots. Thought the storms over the lake would make it the other night but the died out. I'm going to enjoy this dry spell... we'll probably be wet again before we know it.
  18. No doubt... it was a noisy night. Seemed like perpetual storms since 4am. Still storming off and on.
  19. Approaching 6" of rain for the month imby. And here I thought we may have a dry-ish summer. Nice to see the sun out there this afternoon with lower humidity.
  20. Best storm of the year. Winds were crazy... Easliy 50-60 if not higher. Branches are down all over. 3.65" for the month so far. So much for the dry spell we had.
  21. Yeah... the rain forecast was a bust. We could have used a soaker. More chances later in the week.
  22. Had enough rain today? Up to 2.70" since this morning. Just a train of storms today with more to come. Looks like the airport didn't do so well. Hopefully the west side picks up some rain as well. Amazing how we can go from dry to wet so quickly.
  23. Picked up some much needed rain the past two days. Up to 2.90" for the month IMBY.
  24. Frost on the rooftop's this morning... and patchy areas of the grass. At least warmer weather is ahead.
  25. Our snowfall totals just about match. Last Winter took its toll on the landscaping... lots of dead bushes and shrubs. Boxwoods that weren't covered with snow are toast. Great news for the nurseries and landscapers.
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