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Everything posted by NEOH

  1. Tell me about it. It has sure felt that way. Can remember the last sunny day.
  2. Rain flipped to snow around 12:30. It has been dumping huge flakes since the changeover. Grass and roads start to get covered.
  3. Currently in the upper 30's near the lake and 52 IMBY. With the melted snow and fog really feels like an early spring day.
  4. The lake effect definitely made up for the lack of system snow. Didn't really keep up with measuring but probably around 10" or so. Nice to have snow on frozen ground. Kids are having a blast playing in the powder.
  5. Great to have the lake effect parked over this area. On and off heavy snow most of the day. Picked up a fluffy 3” so far.
  6. Definitely. Just looked at the models and it looks like they take the current band back southwest as it dissipates. Out this way we will likely have to rely on whatever forms on the NW flow. Sun is poking through now occasionally. Oof.
  7. Still a persistent light snow here in south russell... very small flakes. Looking forward to having that band move east later today.
  8. Very light snow falling. Looks like lake enhancement is picking up on the west side. Hopefully that delivers later today as winds come around. The system snow has been underwhelming so far.
  9. That would be the most unusual and unlikely lake effect set up we could ever have. Perhaps she confused Ontario with Huron.
  10. Nice to wake up and see this in the forecast, and great to have OHWeather forecasting this event for CLE.
  11. Ha. Just read the AFD you wrote... hopefully this event works out. Confidence is increasing in at least a light snow area-wide late Thursday night into Friday following by lake effect snow later Friday into the weekend. There is some potential for a more notable synoptic snow if the more amplified solution with Friday`s system proves correct, though that widespread snowier outcome is still on the "less likely" side. Regardless, the set-up looks favorable for notable lake enhanced/effect snow Friday into Friday night from the Cleveland metro area into both the primary and secondary snowbelt with a north-northwest flow. While growing ice in the western and perhaps central basins may be a small negative, there should still be enough open water for a robust lake response. Ice needs to be thick and locked in to really limit that.
  12. It didn't take long... ice covered western basin already. Will be interesting to see how much ice spreads across the central basin over the next couple of days. Just last week water temps were in the still in the upper 30's and now ice cover. We will probably get a favorable LES set-up now that ice cover is on the lake
  13. Brutal stretch for sure. You might get some lake effect up near the lakeshore... or at least a good view of the bands offshore
  14. Really couldn't draw it up any worse... low cutting northwest of us with limit wrap around snow... then a WSW'erly wind direction taking the lake effect to western new york. Not a great start to the year weather wise.
  15. Yeah, we've been bleeding "warmth" from the lake with very little to show for it. Lake temps are still around 40 or so.
  16. Snow cover has taken a beating today and should be gone by the end of the day. It will be interesting to see if the models respond/change for the weekend storm once this one passes. Would be great to see an Ohio river track to PIT.
  17. Woke up to 1.5" of snow this morning. Nice surprise.
  18. It has been nice to have snow on the ground all week... definitely helped make it more festive. It is melting and the rain tomorrow should finish most of it off. Considering how bad the pattern has been we've been pretty lucky with snowfall.
  19. Your area always does well so I don't doubt 8" fell. There was a consistent blob of heavy snow around and just north of 322 yesterday afternoon. The ground was soaked from the rain prior to the snow so definitely some compaction.
  20. Just over 6" IMBY. Very picturesque snowfall as the snow was pasted to everything before the strong winds late last night.
  21. Everything is covered here in South Russell. Snowing heavily now. The heaviest snow has been just north of here but starting to push south into the area.
  22. Nice to wake and up and see this in the forecast. Will be interesting to see where the lake huron band sets up. Looks like the models have taken it more to the east toward the OH/PA border.
  23. Aren't you "Trent" that used to post here? If so, I feel bad for you man. Hope everything is ok with you.
  24. Yeah, the past two seasons have been bad for snowfall. Regression from previous snowy seasons sucks. I guess if temps don't deliver you'll find something else to be negative about. Did you notice that CLE has had BN temp departures 5 of the last 7 months (including Nov)?
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