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Everything posted by NEOH

  1. HA! I'm usually cursing you folks when its partly cloudy in Ohio while WNY gets buried for days on a WSW wind direction. I'll definitely be around this winter. Hopefully its a decent one. Let's keep the lakes warm until November.
  2. How much of the US population follows his Twitter account? I don't feel its the President's responsibility to remind me via social media to wear a mask or follow basic hygiene. Masks have been pushed hard at least locally in Ohio. If someone refuses to wear a mask at this point its probably unlikely that a tweet is going to make a difference. Wasn't there a lot of complaining about Federal government involvement early in COVID? Now everyone blames the Federal government for not doing enough. You can't have it both ways. Hopefully a vaccine comes out in the Nov/Dec time frame so that can get to those with the highest risk levels. Until then the finger pointing at one individual is getting old because the election is getting close.
  3. It was incredible and an experience I will never forget. Pretty remarkable to get those kind of totals in northeast ohio with the limited fetch we have to deal with. We were without power for 5 days due to the tree damage. I will probably never see that amount of thundersnow again in my lifetime. Every night the sky would be illuminated with a greenish tint from the lightning. The snow would diminish in intensity during the day as it became more cellular... then get heavy again every night. Once in a lifetime for sure.
  4. That's what some media outlets would like you to believe at least. There are definitely things that could have been done differently of course... hindsight is always 20/20. What countries do you think did the best in dealing with COVID? Many of the countries that had lower death numbers also have healthier populations.
  5. 300k seems like a big stretch. If it happened, COVID would beat obesity for the number of deaths in the US by end of year... Around 300k die in the US each year from obesity, and 2.8 million globally - https://www.who.int/features/factfiles/obesity/en/
  6. One of the best and earliest I can remember off of Erie in Ohio - http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/arch/cases/961109/home.rxml
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5343795/
  8. That's interesting... or maybe it isn't. Not sure if you have kids but every Fall when they return to school they always get sick with something. The vast majority of the population will likely be "infected" at some point. Schools around here are 1/2 day virtual, and 1/2 day in the classroom. They are now looking at going to the classroom full time starting in November as there have been no reported cases in the schools since re-opening.
  9. The color is vibrant so far... a lot of deep red/purple showing up in the maples. Color has been fairly dull the past couple of seasons... this year looks to be much better.
  10. Picked up 1.16" of rain yesterday... definitely more than expected. It has been a great September weather wise... can't beat the past couple week of sunny skies and mild temps.
  11. Thanks for sharing. I'm guessing the Japanese population is much healthier overall than in the US -- thus fewer pre-existing conditions. What was the stat that was floating around awhile back... something like 96% of the individuals that died in the US had 2 or more pre-existing conditions.
  12. The leaves are well ahead of schedule in Northeast Ohio. Many maples are turning near the tree tops. The color is predominantly red... even a purple hue.
  13. Noticed the past couple of days that the leaves are starting to change... mostly red color so far. Definitely well ahead of the past couple of years. Should be a good year for fall foliage given the ideal conditions.
  14. Received this from the Cleveland Clinic in their monthly eNewsletter -- The flu/COVID combo doesn't sound very good. With the coronavirus occupying most of our thoughts these days, you might not be thinking about the flu. But it’s more important than ever to get your flu shot. Why? The flu is a serious respiratory illness, which kills about 40,000 people each year. And it hasn’t disappeared because of the pandemic. With the coronavirus pandemic overlapping with the start of flu season, there could be a surge of sick patients as we head into winter. In rare cases, some patients might get both flu and COVID-19 and become severely ill.
  15. Yep, there is a disparity in concern levels for sure. Seems like those most concerned have chronic conditions themselves, or close relatives with them. Those with "healthy" households it seems like business as usual. I haven't traveled much and don't have plans to. My life basically revolves around a 10 mile radius. What I find funny is all of the instacart shoppers coming to this area from urban areas -- I was talking with one who said they like coming "out here" because its cleaner and nicer than the urban stores. Seems like a recipe for spreading the virus. Especially when the bring their kids, boyfriends, girlfriends to shop with them.
  16. Crossfit gyms are open in Ohio... lots of heavy breathing but everyone is spaced apart. Even with the spacing everyone tends to congregate together. There are several doctors and surgeons at the gym every morning -- who never wear masks. It has been open since May and not one positive case. I tend to use the doctors/surgeons as a barometer for my concern level. Not one of them is overly concerned about COVID.
  17. The majority of the rain fell in a short amount of time. Hopefully you got your fishing in before the weather turned.
  18. 4.28” of rain since this morning. Crazy soakers just a couple weeks apart. We are definitely good on rain for awhile. Thankfully we live uphill with all of the flooding.
  19. Surprised to see any part of Northeast Ohio on the map. CLE was 2.73" above normal June - August. And almost 9" above normal since Jan 1. Western OH counties have been dry though
  20. This may have been posted already but this was interesting from the CDC - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm?fbclid=lwAR2PcFrRYmWibcz886GrQnZPmJqSswslIV9mXkhTkip14YaTRC-8qSfGLxpw Wonder what this situation would look like if we had a healthier population in the US. Comorbidities Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.
  21. 4.15" of rain since yesterday, and 5.58" over the past 7 days. We went from dry to soaked quickly.
  22. Flood advisories and warnings now. Rough day for the CLE forecasting crew.
  23. Any drought concerns locally are gone. Just dumping rain out there and it looks like a lot more to come. Not a great forecast from CLE... the forecast was for the storms to stay north of the area. They just keep back building to the southwest.
  24. Picked up .85" of rain yesterday afternoon/evening. That was the most rain I've had in a long time, and seemed localized to this area. Thought we might be able to get a line of storms to come south off of the lake today with the front... but it looks like all of the action will be south. Its been a long time since we've had a line of storms come across the lake which is unusual.
  25. Yep. The sunny areas are dormant. I have huge cracks in the clay.
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