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Everything posted by 512high

  1. 51F for the low, if I can't have rain, just give me cooler temps, like high 60s, done with this 85-87F shit
  2. Ray this is what I was looking at back Aug. 26th, ,,,,today you say a toaster bath for February, on the 26th of August you mentioned reloads for Feb and March, when you use the term "reload"I assume favorable. That's what I 'am trying to articulate if you will.
  3. Ray, maybe a page or so back, didn't you mention December looks good, "January" looks ugly, Feb-Mar look great after reloading? Unless new data your seeing vs a few weeks ago?
  4. 48 for the low, yesterday a tad cooler, left windows open lower level of the house , down to 64. This is nice weather....
  5. Home Davis 87/68 breezy, thought a storm would pop, zero , nothing .
  6. TRUE! But please better then my 2023/2024 31.5" total, I want to get excited, but don't want the rug pulled beneath my feet just yet !
  7. Like Tamarack mentioned....... I was 25 when I lost my Dad to cancer (1988) he was 71, I'm 61, 36 years later, I think about him everyday, my mom passed at 91 years old, 7 years ago, its tough, very tough. Keep the good thoughts with you, if you believe in faith, a little prayer never hurts. My thoughts with you and your family.
  8. 49F this am on my walk with the dogs, just wonderful! Saving a little $$ from AC being on, windows opened.
  9. What about “pickles”? “Still north of the pike” and KORH both winter guys too?
  10. Looks like we are going to end with .36" , major cells went around us, but a good drink, 67F
  11. We dumping now Chris, .13" last 15 minutes or so
  12. So Far ASH 1.13" and counting. 64/64
  13. Zoom in on cell near Nashua (RadarScope) TVS
  14. Lol, ASH in the middle for now, almost pitch black!
  15. Since midnight, .24" meh. Current temp 75/73
  16. Enjoy! Remember it's a school tonight! Don't over do it! lol!
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