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Everything posted by 512high

  1. I have to say, that just went through and it was so cool, had a gust of almost 30, breaks now to the west..
  2. I just hope that doesn't F'up for Friday.....
  3. Can ALWAYS be worse! No lives loss or injuries . Material stuff can be replaced, hopefully the insurance adjuster and body shop agree to total the truck. Those trees are hugh!
  4. Sun trying, down to 53, few gust, wasn't all that impressive.
  5. Chris there has to be a river flowing down Timberland drive and Browning Ave lol.. Hello buried potholes...
  6. Wow up to 62 on the Davis @ my shop, nice gust at 22 its coming !
  7. Just jumped to 60F from 56 20 minutes ago, last major gust 28 mph@ 130am .... just had a 20 mph, I think leading edge on Radarscope about 10 miles away from me, however looks real narrow, will see, at least the salt is off the roads!
  8. Agreed my home Davis clocked a 31 mph gust around 1230pm, just amazing watching the ice go, now surface mud appears
  9. I only know one musical artist locally and he is a client, Al Barr from the Dropkick Murphys...lol I told him I only new one of his songs, he laughed, deep down inside he is probably saying what an jackass! Anyways back to weather....
  10. Just got to our shop, Davis is @ 51F/light wind.....record high for my city was 60F back in 1981.At this rate it could break easily. Ready for the rain and wind....
  11. Few breaks in the sky, zero snow, trace early am
  12. Well if I were to even see 3" in my hometown most would say "where did this come from"? Local mets here said sunny! A lot would be very surprised
  13. I think briefly we hit 56 now down to 51, sitting in the family room with my dogs, back towards the window, I can feel that sun on the back of my neck.....gosh I sound like Tip! (lol)
  14. Very well written, we plow a few sites "per. storm", but we have a few that pay from Nov. 1-Apr. 1 installments, seems we have salted more then we have plowed, documentation IS important, great idea on videos......
  15. yup it just SUCKS. I will wait till mid March, then I'm done. I'm already hoping for a better 2022-23 season, stupid to wish your life away, however, just hate swamp ass humidty.
  16. Skating will resume Sunday afternoon lol
  17. I can't imagine what kero is going for a gallon, I always forget to look when getting diesel for equip.
  18. Yes diesel is dirty, red diesel usually for off road equipment, gas station diesel is also usually. treated for winter months....
  19. Lol, way to pump us up, as this winter is on life support! However, those were GREAT memories.
  20. Be great to see the 13-15th time frame work, maybe just to warm still? Week out, I will look on Friday....
  21. That's awesome! You guys give each other crap all day, I know its in good fun, great picture
  22. Looking at that total is hard to take in right now(sitting maybe 20" or so) however I am trying to be positive
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