Alot of great points on energy, I could be totally "off base", I think the USA consumes about 20 million barrels A DAY! I also "think" in our country, we only produce about 11 million barrels a day. The rest comes from other countries, Canada is our top importer, Russia is 3rd or 4th? Anyways, I dont think we will see instant relief, you are talking months, yes, we things get resolved (hopefully), price drops happen, its also the other countries, that produce, but all over the world it effects all. I was telling my wife last night, "do you want to hear some trivia on gas"? She gave me a look like "F/U", well I said oil that is traded on the market also known has a barrel is about 49 gallons, it take half of that almost to produce about 21 gallons of gas, I have no idea on diesel etc. She then told be , I just put $30.00 in my car @ $4.49 per. gallon...........I get it.