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Everything posted by 512high

  1. ASH had a 48F this am...now this is what I'm talking about! Baby steps but this is wonderful!
  2. Agree, starting to even see a few acorns dropping in unless my dogs are picking them up and dropping them in, regardless told the wife after Monday we done.
  3. Finally! Home Davis .52" for ASH from 3:00 am or so till 4 am give or take........ 68/68
  4. Scott that would be great! "But" what happens after that is what I'm interested in , I just hope we don't loose snowpack Jan & Feb
  5. And you sometimes challenge or correct "Judah" at times, Its great to see this thread have some action and thoughts about the upcoming season, after working outside in this crap, especially today, good thread to cool off in !
  6. Did that yesterday ! Off to North Hampton/Rye NH for service work, most stops on the ocean, hope to catch a few degrees cooler, beach bunnies slowly disappearing.....
  7. Ray, It seems I am in the screw zone, ASH missing all the rains this season for the most part, just like all the snow last season, while Scooter cashes in, it has to change!Lol
  8. 71/72, PLEASE make this go away! Watch out for school buses !
  9. ASH 81/65 few breaks lol! thunder in the distance passing by, screwed again
  10. I think ASH will be done @ .47"......very grateful, may will add tomorrow .69/70
  11. Home Davis @ .32", light rain....70/72, Happy with what I'm getting, better then zero.
  12. Great! Please not another shi*tty winter for me ....
  13. Just about .10" ASH and rain started about 5am, still very light now....... 61/61
  14. I own a irrigation company, I will take whatever at this point, I have service work in Rye Beach, NH and New Castle, NH I won't complain, anything to take pressure off of us for service work...
  15. 68/64 .002" could have pissed more water then that, ASH gets the miss again...
  16. Good morning swamp ass world.....79/78, WTF
  17. ASH sun back out 93/71 light shower above my house left us .05"
  18. ASH 77/75 .16" , like Chrisrotary 12 mentioned parts of Nashua, hit good with hail, our friends in Hollis, NH have heavy trees down, near the Silver Lake/Federal Hill area ( hear 50-60 mph) 790 w/out power If any pictures will try to upload
  19. Just dumping over Nashua, and moving slowwww, thanks to those that did the Raindance!
  20. Thanks for sharing that clip! Awesome...
  21. Boy looking at Radarscope, I hope that rain makes it in here......
  22. ASH 95/67 briefly hit 96/70 40 minutes or so ago backyard Davis is baking @ 98
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