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Everything posted by 512high

  1. 530 am ASH @ 42 now @ 36 very very light mist
  2. Oh, what I was trying to say, I'm sure you have seen these at ski areas they use a lot for grooming but mostly to move man made snow around etc.( also ski mobile trails etc.) Safety device is what I am trying to figure out, too much snow didn't engage what I assume parking brake, frozen but still maybe getting an indicator on dash it was applied on? Some other sites said he loves snow equipment and has a lot of pieces of removal equipment, but yes, what I would give for that snow!
  3. Some of those have a parking brake like a car, some are manual some are electronic(solenoid controlled), seeing the skier you are, I'm sure you know what these look like, was he out of the unit clearing something? and brake disengaged? Did he forget to set something? not sure, what a shame
  4. Ya, ASH just went to 32 according to my shop Davis, did the old drag feet in my parking lot, just wet (should invest in handheld to check ground temp) trying to avoid salt run for today...
  5. Last day of 2022, METS losing their shit!
  6. 58F in ASH save on the heat! might even open a few windows briefly get some fresh air in !
  7. Low of 23, looks like a nice sunrise to the east from my shop, looking forward to the warm spell, hopefully save a bit on the heat.....
  8. WTF ! What's going on in here! lol ganging up on Kevin like bullies!
  9. Tip, I wrote that in "good fun", as you say or have said in the past this current pattern sucks (my words) for "winter enthusiast ", we or most for weeks keep hearing "change is on the way", then as we approach so called time allotted , BAM it never developed or went south or north etc. It is very frustrating but no one has control over this, always look forward to you, and the others that see something in the distance and state so, just so dam boring as we approach January. Happy New Year to you!
  10. Tip, you will be in charge of starting a thread when we get closer to "threat"...(unless your apprentice George starts one tonight etc. Haha)
  11. Please don't say ice....... just looking for a old fashion snowstorm
  12. For "Mets", this maybe a stupid question, but, with the fridged air mass (maybe short lived etc) does that have any effect cooling ocean temps down? Kept hearing ocean temps were warm etc,
  13. Ya, have to go salt a critical lot, exit 5 coating, side roads slick, main st city is out, lol couldn't get in the shop for a few minutes, key hole in door frozen! down to 25/breezy
  14. WinterWolf, we plow 4 commercial lots, 2 pay us wether it snows or not, right now, good thing going! Other two lots per storm etc. I just love snow!, walking/hiking, playing with the dogs etc. However, It is not our "main" income.
  15. Agree, after this POS tonight ,what's left, we watch, we desperate !
  16. George is getting upset! This page is for his "storm" next week
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