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Everything posted by 512high

  1. Ya I would say ASH 1-1.5” before sleet, real slick on the roads, home Davis at 30
  2. Who wouldn't take that! Rate this winter has gone cut those in half and still would take!
  3. Sorry, meaning the chances of events going forward, If Feb seems to "warm" after a colder start, are you throwing the towel in for us in the southern regions, another's words future events maybe on the snow /rain line going forward the remainder of the season sorry writing from a mobile dev. I thought you said somewhere that if we can't cash on a few future events, time to maybe move on........
  4. Tip, Are you still in Winter "mode" or are your thoughts now more towards Spring?
  5. I agree, I can tell in my rear yard, I have to be well over 4.5" if not 5" Just so nice to see yards in white, what winter here should be, hope to get another where we all can enjoy
  6. Really? Must have had tree/limbs over drive giving shelter? Hmm
  7. I think Ray was online around 2 am or so today, lol pretty sure he said he had his daughter with him outside measuring! Another wennie in the making!
  8. I have to say 3" ASH, temp holding 33F, few sagging branches, heavy to move, salt doing its thing.
  9. Way too heavy! But Happy!! Hopping in the loader !!! just about 3" @ 33F sn
  10. Part of me wants to the the towel in, I'm sitting maybe at 4"+/_ right now, after tonight /Friday I assume below 12", but staying the course either we call it a ratter (maybe sooner then later) Maybe we will hit average numbers who knows, at least their are storms to track here and there....hopefully we all cash in on the big one looming somewhere!
  11. Not feeling this storm, will see where I'm at 24 hours from now..........
  12. For some reason, I'm not feeling good about this event, ASH@ 39......... going for a total now of 2-3", yesterday I was thinking 5" total by Friday pm, just seems warmer of a storm?
  13. Brian, With the storm tonight/Friday for my area clue on density type?
  14. 33 ASH, sipping my coffee from the shop looking to the east, nice sky, equipment ready, dusty, but ready.
  15. Just getting caught up, very optimistic board this afternoon, hope things keep trending positive .
  16. I take that and run, we have a lot of ground to make up(no pun intended)
  17. be grateful, the rate this winter is going! Your time will come
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