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Everything posted by 512high

  1. Bottomed out 24 good frost! / sun coming up!
  2. Ray, Thanks for this, now I get it!
  3. So having a modoki is good? correct? we don't want that to be "strong"......from what I understand, as of "right now" things look better for this coming winter.
  4. This is my first time posting a picture lol from my iPhone. Hopefully it goes through can’t believe one year ago today at 5:30 in the morning when I took the dogs out we had a little snow. shop Davis still hovering 36° very raw still a light mist
  5. Negative, is the water softener going just for the inside of the house? I doubt going to outside faucets, plumber will hook irrigation feed BEFORE softener 90% off wells have pressure tank, no issue, also pump size ( 1/2 HP....3/4 hp ....1 HP common)
  6. If your home when they arrive to do the estimate, have them do a flow rate, they will hook a guage to an outside faucet, they should run it long enough to drain down the storage tank if your on a well etc. Some well companies will write the GPM on the storage tank etc. You can also use a 5 gallon pail and a stop watch (see YouTube vids)
  7. So, is it best for a "weak" or moderate Nino for snow lovers ?
  8. Point taken! Since last November Eversource is brutal in NH for electric in fact , I think NH is one of the country's most expensive when its comes to electric, they recently went in front of the PUC looking for a small increase.....again. But yes A/C to combat swamp ass I will pay......
  9. Check your inbox, I dropped you a contact. As an owner of a Irrigation Company since 1987, last year was tough, we have several clients that are on wells and went dry, some had the financial means to dig another well or "frack" it, most that did, had good results. If your well is producing less then 3 GPM, I would use caution...
  10. Great ! Get this Nina shit out of here! (No offense to my wife, her name is Nina lol) Ray is there a chance come late Fall this trend could go back to "Nina"?
  11. Home Davis hit 57/ clouds creeping in, last traces of snow in the shade will be gone in hours or over night. I can't believe April begins on Saturday, for me winter kinda dragged and sucked, I will say , looking forward to saving on heat, and electric bills.
  12. So Tip! I was going to take advantage of todays sun and remove most snow equipment....should I hold off for today? Not sure if this would be elevation stuff and just do nothing in Nashua....
  13. Nashua @ 36 light drizzle, mood flakes gone.
  14. Yup! I think he hoaxed her into it, lol, she was walking her dog, last month while my wife and I were walking ours, and she mentioned how much she hates snow.......I can't believe in front of me he told her this year was a fluke ...too funny
  15. Home Davis just hit 50, funny little story (off topic a bit) , this couple a few houses down, sold their home, they are getting married in October at some farm up in Maine or a barn wedding? Anyways she hates snow & cold weather, he loves it. She works remotely for Bank of America, he is a carpenter ,self employed. They wanted more room, he wants a big workshop etc. They were looking in Amherst, NH, but no luck, so some how he found a beautiful home in Ashburnham, MA , I said what? Lauren I thought you hate snow? He looked at me like "shut your mouth" lol, she sent my wife some pictures yesterday, and shit the pack they still have ! As I shook his hand good bye, he laughed and said I am at an elevation of 1,030 ft. according to my apple compass on my iPhone , he explained to Lauren ,this past winter was a fluke, they normally see little snow. LOL, will see if the marriage makes it!
  16. Kevin, Agree there are a few members there, just want one more......then I'm done.
  17. I think you’re right, I think Scooter mentioned it early this am, again if it is still there Friday,,,, maybe a good thing !
  18. Wondering if Ray is getting ready, to dust off the computers for next week? If that signal is still there in a few days , maybe its a go! Any chance that POS on Saturday would have any effect for next week potential? I think Saturday is a quick, in and out?
  19. Scott, What about Monday /Tuesday next week...North as well? Just wanted to bust out of 41-42" for the season.
  20. 31 ASH, another beautiful sunrise coming up.
  21. Well, from the few post above... "I stand alone" (HA HA) I would like one more event, I'm at roughly 41.5"-42", a long shot for me to see another white event here, perhaps.....if something does turn turn for the better in my region, I will welcome you all back. lol
  22. My contact that does snow removal, Mammoth Lakes (8K elv.) was at roughly 550 " as of March 2, I think it was Brian, that mentioned they are now at 662", I would probably be claustrophobic being on the ground with that much snow.
  23. When does there first dump begin? September? Just mouth dropping.
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