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Everything posted by 512high

  1. Home Davis @ 45 drizzle and 1.99”
  2. 45F, overnight & yesterday rain was .10", another great sunrise this am
  3. Home Davis just hit 74/ breezy, clouds now.
  4. Davis at home logged in 63F for a high/ Shop Davis (3 miles away) 61F, hvy clouds bit dark to the west.
  5. 36/ was a light mist earlier/clouds
  6. Home Davis 38F/ light wind.
  7. What a light show/ 51F...just dumping now
  8. Few sunny breaks here and there... 44, so far .60" of rain.
  9. No problem, again we use these for service trucks, not our own personal vehicles etc. Was not not any manufacturer , we use what works for our company,etc. Happy shopping!
  10. Going with #Chrisrotary12, C- (borderline D), Nickle and dime shit, we had chances, etc. We pick up our marbles and play again later this year.
  11. Wow!!! Unreal, hopefully you melt, I'm sure when the front comes later a lot of snapping! Beautiful Picture though.
  12. Dave, Why do I think you have a dirt driveway or a dirt road? Here comes mud season....
  13. 34 Shop Davis/ Rain....heat on, coffee on, little inventory on trucks , no wife, no dogs....lol
  14. 33/ just took the dogs out , almost fell on my ass! Slick on the walkway! rain/pellets/few flakes mix
  15. Yes on all above, if no other sources near by, time will tell ! If its there when we begin to dry out etc, then there maybe something below
  16. Its been wet in the past, but never held water to this degree. Well when you you have a sump pump that goes through a pipe way out behind your property, any chance this "wet" spot is inline with your sump drain line? I have seen those crack and of course when pump runs, the area fills up where the crack is or break. If its not anywhere near there, no clue, is you water line from your well in that area?
  17. Is it a low low area? Are you/neighbor on septic or town sewer? Perimeter drain? (or drain coming off a sump pump) Did this just start?meaning a week ago/ month?
  18. Awesome!! lol little peanut! Love animals, better then most people....
  19. Maybe 23-24 will be one to remember,
  20. Yes, I don't know that last year they made the 2-door model, I will say this....they do hold their value. Again, to the OP, I have nothing against other brands etc. I am just saying what works for our company and has been working well for us. Also, I know zero about reliability of their 6-cylinder models for the record.
  21. Brian, My two cents...... I have a small service company, we currently have 3 Toyota Tacomas for service trucks. I have been running Toyota's since 1990 ALL with the bullet proof 4 cylinder 2.7L engine. Toyota no longer makes a 2 door truck, your choice is access cab or 4 door. All manufactures have come a long way, again this is just my opinion , a few years ago we sold a 2003 tacoma, 2 door with a little over 410,000 miles,(we needed extended cab for extra storage, was the reason for selling etc) a landscape company purchased it and is still going strong! Last Fall I saw the truck, it had about 440,000 miles, other then brakes, batteries here and there and exhaust.....no issues. Philip Good luck on your purchase
  22. 27F/ Sun coming up, wind/ windchill 24....
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