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Everything posted by 512high

  1. 2.49" final according to my Home Davis station.
  2. Chris, My station at home is at 7.91" for July so far.
  3. ASH 1.42" since 6am, lull at this moment 73
  4. You and Tip have mentioned that about ASH being high (dews) but crap, wife and I and the dogs just came back from a walk, and my two cents are its dam close to 77.
  5. Just got home, home Davis 1.26" since midnight.......75/75 sun peeking through
  6. Agreed. Great to look at pictures and videos, as long its not your home etc. Crazy Summer continues....
  7. This stuff is wayyyyy over my head, I take it we don't want a strong "Nino"? But a weak-moderate? The rate the summer is going I have no idea what to expect this Winter!
  8. I remember some good events, but man you impressed me with the date, and going home for lunch etc. Good stuff!, and hopefully things go in our favor for this upcoming snow season.
  9. Jerry, How the hell can you remember what the weather was on your 11th birthday! I'm 60 , I can't remember somethings a few weeks ago !
  10. 75/73 clouds have rolled in or smoke from our friends from Canada? A lot of lawns in my area showing fungus, and people keep pounding the water.
  11. Chris, that cell near hollis might make it to ASH, , moving real slow
  12. .80 " since midnight, drizzle 64/64, anymore rain, maybe break the 3" mark by midnight, (Yesterday 1.96")
  13. Wow, ASH getting dumped, home Davis station at .55" 63/63, may have to dump water out of the pool.......Again
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