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Everything posted by 512high

  1. I work on the seacoast few times per week, driven by, parts of the course border route 95, few hills, overall, busy, old course
  2. I Scott,My app showed 130 mph, isn't that CAT 4 or are you talking about when it hits landfall.... is that how they judge it?
  3. I had a friend go there a few years ago (I think) he said elevation was around 9K? Anyways, Enjoy!
  4. Unless I get more pop up rain later, Nashua @ .51" 72/73
  5. I feel it already! In the sun at the shop updating security cameras, was great at 530am!
  6. But Chris! This is NOT the "Old Farmer's Alamanc" (published out of Dublin , NH) , I have yet to see their forecast lol
  7. Well about an hour ago there was a heavy cell, which appeared to cover maybe ten streets in the neighborhood , gave a quick 1.10"in about 20-25 minutes, so far total on 1.21" on my home Davis. Sun out now, 77/79
  8. Boy I thought something would happen with all that warm water south etc. interesting ......
  9. According to my Davis weather station at home, looks like 12.67" for the month of July.
  10. Just puking heavy rain Nashua, over 1" today....
  11. 80/75 going to cut the grass at the shop, may need a sickle!
  12. Not sure if its already been posted, NWS confirmed a touchdown near Keene, (Roxbury) NH, no other info..
  13. unless ASH gets another round.... 69F .61" since 5pm (7:18pm spoke to soon, heavy rain again!)
  14. So far .34" of Nashua, just dumping water 76F, all that so far within 25 min
  15. Ya, seems to be dipping south /east from Nashua for now, Ray about to get dumped, so far my Davis in ASH @ 1.47" since 430pm or so, quite the lightning show earlier.
  16. I have to say best show for ASH, home Davis already at .95", 67F
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