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Posts posted by 512high

  1. 1 hour ago, WinterWolf said:

    Last year was bad.

     22-23 was pretty good. Was riding on great trails on April 2nd 2023.  They had a huge March in ‘23 in Northern Aroostook.  Put the icing on the season. 

    Yes, (31.5" for last season, year before about 42") but shit , I hope it's NOT a repeat like last season, just would like an "average" winter, we shall see....no control over it that's for sure!

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  2. Well my problem in the short term is this..... I own an irrigation company (started in 1987), this time of the year we start to close systems down for the year. We normally start around September 12-13th like clock work, we began Monday (9/16) 45 percent of our clients are asking mid October , its been so dry and these upper 80s we have been having in Southern NH is not helping me!

    Based on our client list, and compressors we run, we cannot possibly get everyone done in a timely manner, so I have to tell them certain dates are booked solid, and I the owner, will work now 7 days a week into November, we are usually done this process by November 8 or 10th. Last season so much rain , they were begging us to close.

    I just can't remember a dry spell like this in a long time, espically a September. So in short yes I would welcome rain, and if I can't get that drop the temps very soon.

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  3. On 8/26/2024 at 8:03 AM, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    The only ugly month I see on the CANSIPS is January....reloads for Feb and March after a nice December. But even January doesn't lose the Poleward SAleutian ridging, so while shitty in the mean, I bet that is still a nice week mixed in there.

    Ray this is what I was looking at back Aug. 26th, ,,,,today you say a toaster bath for February, on the 26th of August you mentioned reloads for Feb and March, when you use the term "reload"I assume favorable. That's what I 'am trying to articulate if you will.

  4. 6 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    Looks like December has the most favorable NAO on the EURO...slightly negative..January around neutral and then a toaster bath for Feb. PNA is also servicable in December before tanking.



    Ray, maybe a page or so back, didn't you mention December looks good, "January" looks ugly, Feb-Mar look great after reloading? Unless new data your seeing vs a few weeks ago? 

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  5. 11 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    You probably aren't getting 140" again, either way lol



    But please better then my 2023/2024 31.5" total, I want to get excited, but don't want the rug pulled beneath my feet just yet !

  6. 2 hours ago, NorEastermass128 said:

    Lost my dad to cancer yesterday after a short three month battle. He passed away peacefully at MGH. Last week, we were just talking about tuning up his snow blower for this season. Losing a parent, and one that I was so close to, is so hard. Going to miss the big guy. 

    Like Tamarack mentioned....... I was 25 when I lost my Dad to cancer (1988) he was 71, I'm 61, 36 years later, I think about him everyday, my mom passed at 91 years old,  7 years ago, its tough, very tough. Keep the good thoughts with you, if you believe in faith, a little prayer never hurts. My thoughts with you and your family.

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