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Everything posted by 512high

  1. Vatican said bed rest! Pope not listening!
  2. Stay on "Main Roads", at least in Nashua...pot holes everywhere, and sand hate to see the pope get road rash! Way too early in my opinion.
  3. I will say here last hour meh, but close to 3am moving, usually I'm in a sucker hole for wind , my home Davis hasn't clocked a 31 mph gust in awhile its about 20-22 ft of the ground. Lets see what the day brings.
  4. 31 mph at around 3am, current temp 25F/chill @ 21F
  5. .72" total unless the stuff from the west coming adds more. Overnight stayed @ 51F. Still snow on the ground along with piles, and dog shit lol
  6. I still think we sneak something.....especially interior areas, last year: ASH March 23, 2024 , 3/4" snow, then sleet/rain April 4, 2024, 3" of cement We just don't know ......
  7. 30F for the overnight low, shop Davis already @ 36.
  8. 6F for the low, shop Davis current 9F, glaciers remain stout
  9. Like others, front making its way, temp 45/winds getting really busy, sun areas taking a beating, still a lot of glacier piles/shade.
  10. yes, just passed through Nashua........46F
  11. Just flipped back heavy snow, light scrape, salt burning through this.... 33F
  12. Wrong emoji ! I am just pissed at all the chances we had early season, not to banter....
  13. Scott, I just do this for keeping track of 'Ice Melt" we use for walkways,(not bulk salt) so come October we can say , well we used 53 bags of ice melt etc. Last year ASH 32.5" +/- will be the same this year or waiting for the "Hail Mary Pass" lol
  14. Ray I am writing this down in my snow log, so pathetic, just trying to claw up to a ASH minimum , won't achieve that unless several blue ball bombs bail us out......
  15. Just "about" 1/2" was heavy for a bit coming down, 32F
  16. Agree, my shady areas, still pretty solid, but areas in sun, starting to take a hit, and with temps today, saving on heat bill a bit, still hoping for a grand finale!
  17. Look what I spotted leaving my work location today! A weenie!!!!! lol I tried to get the best picture possible. I wonder if he’s on this Forum lol!!!
  18. Word of advice, for chest, and bad shoulders stay AWAY from flat/incline barbell press, Go with dumbells instead, thank me later.......
  19. There is no way we are done, I say one or two more, they maybe shit storms, something will pop, just would like to reach a min. season total, however, would like melting to get crap off the roof, driveway.
  20. I think, all in all what Chris was talking about, direct sun areas, dripping off the roofs etc. And our public works lay alot of salt in certain areas, and of course a little of sun, down it goes...and thats why our city and others are now watching salt piles, most sellers are out.......I was told , past winters were "mild", so production this year was limited(that was from granite state minerals/Portsmouth , NH) However, they have a mountain at the dock, 80-90% of our state purchase from them, towns/city have first dibs. I'm sitting @ 65 % capacity for now.
  21. 7F for the low, what ever dripped off the roofs yesterday, watch your step this am!
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