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Kevin Druff

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About Kevin Druff

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    23233 (Short Pump)

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  1. The mixing during the night hurt totals, but they didn't hurt near as much as watching the deform band form 40 miles north of us the next day. If we hadn't gotten CRUSHED in the early few hours of that storm it would have been a real bust around here. Most of the snow was supposed to come Saturday and we got almost nothing.
  2. Being a snow lover, too, I would not have wanted to change a thing either. My wife and I got married towards the end of July and were worried about it being incredibly humid and ruining the view of downtown (our reception was in the ballroom at the top of the Key Bridge Marriott). We got incredibly lucky when a nice cold front blew through Friday morning and it was in the mid-80s with very low humidity Friday and all day Saturday.
  3. What I remember most of this storm was how gipped I felt on Saturday. It was supposed to snow all day, but we got dry-slotted something horrible down here. The saving grace for this storm was the absolute pasting we took Friday night 2-3x the amount of snow originally forecast got us to 11" of snow on this side of town. Of course, it was also followed by the absurdity of KRIC reporting 7" of snow accumulation when EVERY single coop station around was closer to 10".
  4. That's beautiful. I cannot say I envy your guests the headache of travel, it sure made for a memorable day and lovely pictures.
  5. Hello from another American who suffers the tortured writing of his fellow citizens.

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