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About keno19

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    Nassau county
  • Interests
    Atmospheric Science major SUNY Stony Brook

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  1. HRRRR not even picking up the squall line. hmmmm models have over done precip and wind. This def is not even wind advisory level so far, neverless a high wind warning
  2. Yes I didn't mean to insult anyone on here or any of the meteorologists on this forum. Had to clarify.
  3. Every person on this community is a weenie including myself. lol The workers of the NWS don't come into forums like this. Bernie Rayno probably one of the best experienced meteorologists i know. Todays weather channel meteorologists are all kids. Seems they almost just give atmospheric science degrees now like water. They dummy down the physics and calculus. Its sad everything now is ensembles and looking at models from run to run. I look at 75% of todays news weather men or women and they have backgrounds as journalism, earth science, environmental science lol. Those degrees don't go through the tough math and physics calculus differential equations, multi variable calculus, thermodynamics etc. probably why forecasts are horrible today. Don't want to be negative. I just like the real science behind the forecast.
  4. keno nailed it for long island   0.00 of snow.  :)

  5. I was let down on the forecast of 2-3 inches of rain and 60 mph gusts. Im here in south Nassau and my highest wind gust was 29.1 mph and rainfall for the event was 0.91 inches. My tempest weather station is 25 feet above the ground nothing blocking the wind. I am trying to figure out if the storm wasn't as powerful in my area or is the tempest weather station not accurate on wind? i know its not accurate for rainfall do to false vibrations from wind. anyone have any suggestions or ideas on this?
  6. i am wondering how much of these winds will mix down. I don't believe suffolk county high wind warning will hold. 925 mb winds not as impressive over long island
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