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About SnOvechkin

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Logansport, IN

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  1. In Ohio, evening time, there is severe potential for sure as the circulation pushes through. Idk about the Hoosier state
  2. Huh? These are all part of the Ohio/lakes board. And now I see a 'short/medium range SEVERE weather thread' as if it couldn't be contained in the other short/medium range thread. And I can only assume the same is done for medium/long range SEVERE vs. the other medium/long range. Good grief
  3. Next 10 days look very snowy on the Canadian for just about everyone. Euro and GFS leave north-central Indiana out of most of the action, offering a frustrating solution with heavy snowfall narrowly missing us every time, whether to the north or south. Meanwhile GDPS and GEM place us in a bulls-eye and leave us with 8" or more on the ground when all is said and done. Whatever happens, it looks like a lot of us will see a lot of snow next week
  4. Is it just my or could Let's Talk Weather, Winter Banter, January thread, Short/medium, Medium/Long be consolidated? Short and Long range instead of having two medium range threads. Then a Winter banter. At the very least we could remove either the monthly or the winter banter, as these five threads have a lot of overlap
  5. The ground may be frost-free, but the shore certainly is not!
  6. Near New Buffalo, Lake Michigan last week. Looks like the freezing spray and tops of waves all froze solid. The water was incredibly calm; air was still, and the minimal wave action was all cutting under the mounds of ice which now comprise the shore. Was a strange feeling to realize how far out over the water I was after walking out to the edge
  7. He doesn't make any predictions. The only time he even wanders into that territory he says "by 2030." The unbelievable lack of self-awareness it takes to post something like this when you are on the side of "Children in North America and Europe won't know what snow is by the year 2015" or "There will be no ice on the polar caps in the summer" (It reached record levels in the southern hemisphere a couple years later) or "Seafront property will be underwater" (The bankers and climate fraudsters are still buying up ocean front property because the water levels haven't budged). Or the side that worries that warm temperatures -- associated with abundance of life would be something to worry about to begin with! Imagine thinking it would be better to slide into an ice age than to turn the entire planet into a tropical paradise! You're a bunch of lunatics. Literally worse than every other religion combined. Doomsday prophecies you merely push back by 10 years every time they fail to materialize. At least the Christians believe God is coming to save them. You think you need to enslave all of the non-believers or the world is going to end in -- what is it, now? Seven years? Please seek help.
  8. Perfect track for Ind-Det. Unfortunately as far as models are concerned there is not enough cold air to play with. Probably see snowflakes after rain but will have little to show for it
  9. Carpet is more beige in person, and I love wood panels! It's cozy
  10. Jack Straw from Wichita loves his muddy lawn
  11. You're right. I'm happy to take the discussion elsewhere; I won't pursue it any further here
  12. Yes I am just lost in the wilderness -- it wasn't a critique of your metaphor. Bleach is a harmful chemical solution that only serves one purpose. Carbon is the basic building block of life. It's defined as: "the life-giving element." You're right that one of us is lacking even a basic understanding of this stuff
  13. Ironically enough GFS now has an all rain solution for my area
  14. That was one run and the point is the GFS showed a rain-to-snow winter storm for each and every run. We are likely getting a rain-to-snow winter storm. They didn't mention the chance. Only rain. Don't move goalposts. Nobody said anything about details
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