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Everything posted by superjames1992

  1. MBY gets blanked in all scenarios, at least, LOL. I'm in San Juan right now, anyways. It's currently 81 with a wonderful sea breeze. If the 12z GFS miracle somehow verified, I might blow a gasket, though. GSO got 30" on that run. Did I move away one year too early???
  2. Well, it can only go downhill from here after that 12z GFS run...
  3. We're basically in nowcasting range, anyways. Throw the models out and go with your heart. The models are of no use within 168 hours.
  4. LOL, I'm not sure if I would still use this username I made years ago if I had to do it all over again, but it is what it is now and I'm not changing it. Quite a descriptive username with my first name and year of birth, though, haha (I doubt that's a shocker to anyone). Yep, I'm in Tallahassee. Very antsy, though I'm at least glad it's not hot anymore, though last week was on the warm side (70s/80s).
  5. I forecast snow for Miami! Given enough time (many years/centuries), it will happen!
  6. I'd still be fairly confident that Greensboro won't whiff, though. That seems to be exceedingly rare, historically. Of course, a 1-incher might be all that keeps it from being a total skunked, but I'd lean towards something before winter is done, still.
  7. I'm glad we have a super forecaster on this board who can predict late January's weather with an entire month of lead time.
  8. As an outsider of sorts now, there does seem to be a lot of celebration for a system 9-11 days away which hasn't even shown up consistently in the modeling. Of course, I can't lie, I'd be excited and ready to be heartbroken if I had skin in the game.
  9. The only negative we need is that it's 10 days away, LOL.
  10. Not only am I living in Florida now, but I'll also be on vacation in Puerto Rico the first week of January during the fantasy Euro D10 megastorm. I think I'd be melting down if I still lived in NC and missed it while on vacation, haha. At least I got to see a lot of snow during my vacation last year in Flagstaff and at the rim of the Grand Canyon.
  11. Can't wait for the massive SE Ridge on the 00z EPS. #Bittercasting
  12. Give me e12 and shift it 100 miles north and call it reality. DC digs out from another 20-incher.
  13. I like extreme weather, so yes. That being said, it is surely much inferior when compared to snow or even sleet.
  14. Yeah, but even that is not going to affect anyone outside of the arctic, at least initially. I have tremendous doubts that the developing world is going to eschew progress in favor of environmental sustainability. They just look at it as a way for the first-world to keep the developing world from developing.
  15. These are all great, but very idealistic in nature. How do you plan on getting everyone to comply by these 12 rules? Also, there is no way China, India, and other developing countries would comply with these regulations, so it is really pretty hopeless for the time being. It is what it is and I don't think CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is going to decline unless the global economy melts down.
  16. Clearly it's being used as a fear-mongering attention-grabber in the article, though. Its usage there really wasn't necessary. We shall see what happens with the methane. That's the problem with the climate; there are so many feedbacks that feed other feedbacks, ect.
  17. Pretty much just in the shade. There's some left in the sun, but not much. The roads are fine except in a few untreated shaded areas on residential streets, but even those should be fine after how warm it got today.

  18. NC State requires us to get a C- in our Calculus courses. I had a B going into the final exam, but I think I did pretty poorly on it, so I'll probably end up with a C. I'm God awful in Chemistry, as well, but managed to do well on the final exam and got a B- in there. My other grades are B+s or As.
  19. It seems to me a lot of the arguments that the OP made could be said about a lot of jobs. For example, automation. Does it worry me some? Yes. However, there's few jobs out there that aren't subject to being automated. My dad is an airline pilot. I'm not sure if there will be any airline pilots in 50 years. My uncle works on the railroad. Will trains be completely automated in 50 years? Low-level jobs are susceptible, as well, such as cashiering. A lot of office jobs could probably be automated in the future. Middle-management is susceptible. Even a salesman is susceptible if you believe something like the "Manna" story by Marshall Brain could happen. I know the environment is not great, but it's hard to see me doing anything else outside of something related to aviation and that's certainly susceptible to automation. You just have to do what you love and it will hopefully work out. NC State is a good engineering school and there are more jobs available in the engineering sector, but I just can't see going through four years of boring classes related to engineering and then working at a boring engineering job. The only engineering which I would be interested in is aviation engineering. That was a bit long-winded, but while the OP has valid points, I just feel like he's being a little reactive based on some sort of personal experience he had.
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