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Everything posted by superjames1992

  1. I was planning on going to the SE NC beach next weekend. Not looking good now!
  2. Oh, nice! I didn’t realize you were up in this area now, too! Were you here for the big storm last year? I think your area probably got 12”+?
  3. I moved here a couple months ago! I live in SW Durham not far from exit 270 on I-40, right off US-15-501. Looking forward to seeing some snow again this winter! Yeah, Sunday was worst (it got up to 99 here), but Saturday was supposed to top out at 100 and only got up to 95, which was cooler than a lot of days recently, LOL. Also, as I’ve spent the last three summers in Florida, none of this feels all that bad, haha. I’m glad we’re getting more seasonable temperatures the rest of the week, though (a bit below average, actually). 80s feel great...
  4. The heat wave was kind of lackluster here. Saturday wasn’t even hot relative to recent days despite the excessive heat warming.
  5. You can literally see the Carolina Crusher screaming up the coast...
  6. Another hot day today. Looks like we might make a run at 100 on Saturday (and potentially Friday and/or Sunday). We’ll see.
  7. Yeah, I just moved from Tallahassee to Durham this past weekend. I am excited to see snow again. I know the events that GSO gets that RDU does not are going to be painful, though! I grew up right off Piedmont Parkway (where my parents still live), so I am quite familiar with Skeet Club (I actually went to Southwest Guilford High School right near there).
  8. You moved one year too late for last year's one-footer (and I moved away three years too early, LOL). Enjoy the Greensboro winters! My parents still live in N High Point (near the airport), so I guess I could always chase a snowstorm there depending on what looks most likely to get hit (but then there's always the issue of having to go to work...).
  9. I saw some snow along the way, including some pretty impressive snowfall in the higher elevations driving between Laramie and Cheyenne, but there wasn't any accumulating snowfall in Cheyenne while I was there, unfortunately (I think there was earlier in the day, but the sizzling mid-May sun angle had extinguished it by the time I got there).
  10. I seem to have brought the oppressive Florida summertime heat with me. This weekend looks awful. I got moved up here this past weekend and start my new job next week. At least the weather is nice today. I'm back to my old Carolina Crusher avatar since I'm no longer begging for scraps in the FL panhandle. I need a nice snowstorm this winter; it has been too long. I'm looking forward to chasing storms again this winter. Perhaps I will re-up my WB and AmericanWX Model Center subscriptions, which I didn't see the need for in Florida.
  11. Looks like the eye of a tiger. Im heading from Salt Lake City to Cheyenne, Wyoming tomorrow. It looks like it might snow there some tomorrow, so perhaps I’ll get to see some snowfall this “winter” after all. I saw snow on the ground high in the Colorado mountains driving the other day. Got some cool pictures at a rest stop west of Denver where the snow was piled many feet deep.
  12. Yeah, it seems like RDU-NW has done pretty well lately, but areas like Cold Rain’s neck of the woods in SE Wake have gotten screwed lately. Anyways, I move in a couple weeks. It can’t come soon enough as it’s getting really hot down here now. The last couple months have been pretty nice weather wise (60s-80s for highs), but the highs are now creeping towards 90 and the overnight lows near 70...soon enough nearly every day here will be 95/75.
  13. Thanks! I’m looking forward to getting back to NC. My reasons for wanting to move back up there are more involved than just the weather (closer to family again, better job/job opportunities, etc.), but I must admit that I am looking forward to the weather! It will be nice to be able to track storms during the winter with some skin in the game again, and it will be nice to not drown in sweat all summer (not that RDU summers aren’t hot, but it isn’t FL panhandle hot). Maybe RDU can start striking back at GSO in the snowfall department? Obviously, GSO averages more snowfall than RDU for obvious reasons, but the averages aren’t that different, so it seems like RDU has drawn the short straw more often than not this last decade or so. Maybe still paying for the demons of January 2000? I’m moving to SW Durham specifically, so I guess I’ll be in better position than most in the Triangle.
  14. I got a new job, so I’m moving to Durham next month. I will see snow again! RDU winters are about to start rockin’. (hopefully)
  15. Just heard to Fishel news. What a big loss for the RDU media market.
  16. Some areas of the Southeast had a historic snowstorm just a little over a month ago. Birmingham averages something like 1.5" of snow per winter. You're not going to see accumulating snows a lot of winters with that kind of an average. It wouldn't surprise me if the median snowfall is 0". With an average like that, the 1993 Superstorm's 13" represents over 8 years of climo, for example, so BHM could've went snowless until the turn of the millennium and still been at climo over that span. Now, that's not to say that Birmingham hasn't been in a snow drought still in recent years, but that's certainly not true everywhere. Some areas of NC are definitely above climo this decade, for example (but these areas had a pretty acute snow drought from 2005-2008). Things may turn around.
  17. Winters are very random in the Southeast by their nature. It only takes one storm for most of us to get to climo. Bad winters with one good week can do this and cold winters can sometimes fail to do this. A good pattern is no guarantee of anything. For example, if it never seems another flake the rest of winter and it torches, GSO will finish at 150% of climo this year, all because of one historic storm in December.
  18. Don't you forget about Amazing April and Splendid Spring. April snows will save winter.
  19. My winter checklist is a single flake of snow falling from the sky. I don't think that's going to happen, though. At least I saw snow on the ground when I went skiing, I guess? I actually got to see it snow twice last year (here in Tallahassee with our "historic" dusting in early January and about 1" in Greensboro while visiting in late March). I also saw it snow while I was on a vacation in Scandanavia in May 2017. But this winter I might get shut out.
  20. At least the DC metro is getting theirs, though, am I right?
  21. I miss snow. At least I saw a few remnant dirty snowpiles from the December storm when I was in Greensboro over Christmas. And now they look to be getting another...
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