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Everything posted by CoachLB

  1. Here it is as it crossed into Mercer county out of jay county Indiana.
  2. Tornado on the ground Mercer county Ohio.
  3. Nice paste job. 3 inches measured this morning with compaction.
  4. Cars currently covered in snow and grass is getting topped. Haven’t even got into the good stuff yet. Advisory for 2-4 inches.
  5. Was just ripping sleet at 40 degrees lol.
  6. It was 40 degrees and ripping sleet lol. Temperature dropped to 37 briefly.
  7. Sleet has helped the freezing rain and drizzle at times stick to some sidewalks cars and the usual things.
  8. My pit boss has no problem smoking meat in the snow...lol
  9. Toledo apparently has broken the 78 blizzard record and has 19 inches of snow depth.
  10. What sleet and freezing rain I got lasted about 30 minutes before going back to snow. 10hrs plowing. I’m going to say ended up with a foot or close to it.
  11. Freezing rain and sleet made it to me.
  12. Just flat out pixie dust. We hates it.
  13. HRRR doesn’t come in hot like that on 00z.
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